merabhs, dreamwalks, experiences from the
series in mp3 format
with adamus saint-germain
please click on the title for the youtube video
merabh into the tunnel of change
'the biggest thing right now though is the emotions are changing. the gravity is lifting from that really before anything else, oddly enough. that’s where it’s hitting first, the changes, into your emotional state. and, again, we are not trying to get rid of emotions at all. we’re letting them refine and develop. you’re still a very emotional being, but now imagine emotions with some expansion and some beauty to them. it’s really almost a miracle how human emotions, initially fashioned, created by the mind to make itself think that it was feeling, can now transcend. can now become an angelic sense, a true feeling sense.
AI generated :-)
let’s take a deep breath and allow the change. not control it. not say, “this is what I want and need.” those days are gone. just diving in and going through the tunnel of change, where the old forms of gravity don’t apply. “I just feel it out.” let yourself feel every moment of this change tunnel that you’re going through. and as a human, yes, have the trust that you will end up in the right place as a result of the changes. in a way, they’re already done. now you’re just going through the experience of what it was like to get there.
and what’s really happening in all of this is gravity is becoming more flexible. reality itself, time-space, the physical, the world of particles and light waves, all becoming more flexible now. and it’ll be uncomfortable, particularly when you’re ingrained in the old ways. but the thing to remember here is that as you go through the change tunnel, you end up in a divine place. your human doesn’t need to control that. you don’t need to determine and calculate every step of the way. allow aerotheon, the gravities, to carry you to the perfect place.
ah, yes. change is here, and it really starts on the inside. you’re going to see it on the outside, but it starts on the inside. remember, in change itself, that AI is really fueling it, at least on the outside. it’s the propellant. the engine is heart. the engine is the true love that’s causing this change to expand and open up, fueled by AI, but it’s truly love that’s causing it. not the old-fashioned love, not the semi-cheesy overly sweet valentine’s love, although that is kind of fun. but real love when one comes to accept themselves.
and with that, remember that you were born to love.
it’s what you came here to the planet for.
you were born to love. wear it proudly.
let’s take a good deep breath for this month of love,
and the knowingness that all is well in all of creation.
thank you, dear shaumbra. love to all of you.'
ON THE WINGS OF HOPE series 5 - february 1 - 2024
merabh for the essence of love
'it was about 5,000 years ago where love was first experienced on this planet. there’s no real understanding of this in history, and some would simply scoff at the fact that love was so new on the planet. but if you really go back into history, there wasn’t love 6,000, 7,000 years ago. in those first experiences of love, in the first 100, first 1,000, it was all women. probably in the first 100,000, all women that experienced it, supported in a very big way by the ORDER OF ISIS, the feminine energy.,it was about 400 years later when the first man experienced it. there was a little bit of a concern in the other realms. what about the guys, the men? so, some of us got together in the other realms and said, “you know, in order for this whole thing to work out, the men are going to have to experience love.” we formed a little group. it’s called “THE COUNCIL OF THE HOLY BROTHERS,” also known as “SAINT BROTHERHOOD.” and it was a bunch of us saintly types that got together, where we had a little bit more of a – you know, we’re gender neutral in the other realms – but we’d had more past lives as men and we kind of understood it. so, we gathered together under this order. this whole time this loosely organized saint brotherhood has been there to help bridge the gap between ADAM and ISIS, between masculine love and feminine love. that’s been the role of this group.
by the way, the name “ST. GERMAIN,” which I took on in my last lifetime, ST. GERMAIN literally means HOLY BROTHER. I derived my name from this order, this council of the holy brothers. our job was to connect our energies with those on earth who were ready – males, men – to help them open to the experience of love. not an easy task. but our job was to help facilitate those energies. in order for love to move forward, it couldn’t just remain within ISIS. it had to also leap over to ADAM, where I get my name, ADAMUS. now you know. ........................................................................... |
isis and adam little by little, coming together. it was remarkable. then came YESHUA, here to spread the word of love. that was the single role, a role that each and every one of you participated in, because yeshua was a collective being. as this whole experience of love started to change the planet, literally, I mean that was RADICAL IMAGINATION, the very experience of love, because it was not known.
the ones, the women that first experienced love, we came up with a name for them in our boy’s club, in the saint brotherhood. that name was MARY. they were called MARYS. “MARY,” derived from a very ancient egyptian word “MYR” which eventually became defined as the translated word, “BELOVED.” the original name of what you now know as mother mary, the one who gave birth to yeshua, was not mary. she had a different name. but she eventually became called mary in her lifetime, shortly after the birth of yeshua, and then biblically was called mary. and you know many other marys – mary magdalene, and many, many others along the way.
let’s allow mary. it’s funny too, the word “merry,” as in “happy.” all interconnected. let’s allow in mary. some of you have been doing it already before we even did this shoud. some of you had sudden thoughts of mary, identifications with mary. let’s allow that in right now. mary – not the person, but mary, that consciousness – allows the light to shine in a different way. it allows the imagination to open in a different way. why? because it’s all love based. it allows the transformation into love 2.0.
and men, gentlemen, I ask you to allow that within yourself as well. it’s not just a feminine thing. it’s actually the thing, the very thing that marries the adam and the isis together within you, that creates that holy union. this is what we want to bring in for this year. a guiding force, a radical imagination, a love-based consciousness. instead of battles this year, instead of constant mind struggles and battles and seeming that it’s never-ending fights and challenges all the way along,
let’s open up to mary. it’s not just love like was experienced 5,000 years ago. it’s opened. it’s matured. it’s developed. it’s become very, very wise. it’s also going to be the thing, the very thing that helps you to connect with your TRUTH. and the truth isn’t defined as mary, but it will help you realize your truth.
let’s open up to mary.
mary is the essence of love.
mary is an open consciousness.
let’s take a good deep breath, as we marry.
as we marry isis and adam.
as we marry human and divine.
as we marry the past, the present, and the future.
as we marry human intelligence and divine imagination.
what we’re really doing is bringing the element of
love, compassion, acceptance
into every one of these things
let’s marry to the earth,
especially as gaia is slowly on her way out.
marry to the core, to the essence of the earth.
marry to the magical kingdoms of earth.
you see, it’s a type of essence
that brings things together in harmony.
and right now, it’s just time to allow that. mary.
a word that goes a long way back, to myr,
and eventually given the meaning “the beloved.”
it’s just time to allow that. mary.
and you know, it’s one thing that’s already within you.
now, it’s time to let it marry into your everyday life.
we’ll continue the holy brotherhood for a while. there’s a lot of men that still just don’t get it. yes, we’re here to serve men, but in honor of isis. not just a boy’s club.every part of this holy brotherhood, the work we do, is in honor to isis, to the feminine who first experienced love. in honor to mary, and to protecting mary. so, dear shaumbra, deep breath, as we marry ourselves. good, deep breath.
and right about now, you should be getting very excited about radical imagination and coming to your truth. let’s take a good deep breath, here together on our fourth day of the holy year 2025, with breakthroughs in things like energy, free energy. it’s not just a dream anymore. the metaphysics of free energy, really quite simple. it’s being married to this planet, to humanity. this year, where quantum computing allows everything to go at warp speed. and all this time you marrying to your self, all based in love, for what greater, greater, greater consciousness can there be than love? with that, let’s take a deep breath.now, go have fun. play, eat, enjoy.
we’ve got a lot to do in front of us this year, but let’s do it in the light.
with that, dear friends, remember, all is well in all of creation.
thank you, and happy new year.'
ON THE WINGS OF HOPE series 4 - january 4 - 2024
merabh for radical imagination
'take a good deep breath. the next step is this radical imagination. when that happens, what you are doing is summoning up, commanding your energy and your light. but not based on doubt or fear, not based on issues in your life. you’re summoning it up as a true master. you’re not summoning it up just for a little bit of material gain, certainly not power. you’re summoning it up for the transformation that it can create, for the experience of it, and to finally, once and for all, to connect all the dots, all the parts and pieces of your entire journey of coming to this planet and ultimately being the true master of light, of imagination. being that magi … … on a very, very personal basis. not to inflict on others not to inflict on others. not to do parlor games or have your own tv show, the mighty magician, anything like that. but for yourself, to finally experience. there are true metaphysics in this, and it has to do with the very nature of light and its ability to transform a reality that would defy the laws of human nature that you know right now. and as I pointed out in keahak earlier today, what this means – the transformative nature of light – what this means ultimately will be the bringing together of energy and consciousness.
let’s take a deep breath into radical imagination, where you let go of everything.and we go into nothing.and how do you get there? you just allow it. that’s it. “I’m there. I’m in no thing.” let the mind do its thing, chatting away, and we go into the and. nothing. and in that nothing, in that no thing – we’ve been talking about this for years – in that no thing is that next thing.see, nothing simply means the brain can’t comprehend it anymore. it’s out of its league, and that’s fine. let’s go into the and and into the no thing. and you see, it’s kind of a joke, because there is no thing such as no thing. first of all, from a metaphysical standpoint, consciousness is always present. but consciousness is a no thing. here in the no thing of true imagination, you’re not using your mind or your brain to try to visualize. you leave that all behind. and what you do now is just take a deep breath. and let it come to you. there’s no force or effort. no having to conjure up thoughts or images in your mind. radical imagination is entering into no thing. and in this space of no thing, you realize it’s everything. maybe not easily defined by the human mind, and that’s fine. we’ve gone – we are going – beyond that.
you’re not going here for answers. you’re not going here for solutions. you’re going here because this is, well, your light. the light that will eventually make its way back to you as a human on this planet, and a light that then you will learn to utilize like your own light saber. not to chop other people apart, but to affect what you truly desire.what we’re doing here right now is connecting those dots from the levels of no thing to the levels of your human on this planet. and while you’re here in no thing and also sitting as a human, take a deep breath. and remember, again, you’re in the no thing, in the radical imagination where you’re not limiting yourself to what would be a desired outcome. you’re wide open.you’re in this realm and you’re here as a human, and now on both levels, simultaneously, take a deep breath and let it come to you. both levels – human and in the no thing, the radical imagination – let it come to you. you say, “well, let what come to me?” ah! that’s it. you don’t have to define it. that’s it. let it come to you. you don’t have to worry about what it is. it’s absolutely appropriate, congruent, tailored to you.and here’s where that element of trust enters in or, on the negative side, the element of doubt. you say, “well, what’s coming in? what am I calling forth?” shh! doubt not what you bring, what you call, what you receive. the human could have never really imagined. the human would have limited it. the human would have stayed within – I talk a lot about the story of the land of blue (here) – the human would have stayed in blue. but what comes can be so much more.
this is radical imagination and practical realization.
this next year is going to be a great one for the planet. it’s going to be a challenging one on so many different levels, challenging for people. and you’re going to see kind of a great paradox in things, a great almost duality like it’s never been before – those who are managing it, working with it; those who are being crushed by it. you’re going to be operating on a whole different level, not on either one of those old levels. you’re not going to be following the human pathway. you’re not going to be following the part that’s crushing. it’s going to be a year of elevation. good deep breath together. we’ll come back and discuss this more, so you start to feel very, very comfortable with it.
let’s take a deep breath and feel into,
using this radical imagination,
feel into it when I say,
“all is well in all of creation.”
thank you. blessings
and happy holidays.'
ON THE WINGS OF HOPE series 3 - december 14 - 2024
merabh beyond the fear of self
'you are living in such epic times right now. ah, you know there’s times I really wish I was there with you on this planet, but then I wouldn’t be able to be doing what I’m doing now. ah, just to be there, to experience this intensity, the changes that are occurring, the light that’s coming in. you have to be able to be open to it, otherwise you’re just going to see everyday human life. but, oh, what’s happening, what’s truly happening on this planet is remarkable.
as this planet goes through its changes and revelations, realize that you’re not the one causing them. you’re the one here now bringing the potentials of light. nevermore to taking on and believing that you’re the one causing the darkness and the bad out there. you’re not. you’re the one bringing in the light. you’re the one holding the lantern for all to behold their own goodness.
I want to use this opportunity right here with shaumbra, with you, to say, “within yourself there is nothing to fear.” maybe in a past lifetime, maybe that’s what some of them are going through right now, and you’re perceiving it in your current dream states. maybe they’re going into that, but there is nothing to fear.
what’s really in there? what’s at the depths? it’s your consciousness. it is your imagination. it’s all of your dreams. it’s all of your light that’s in there. that’s what’s in there. go in there, and you’re going to discover things I can’t even put into words here. you’re going to discover your true goodness and your god-ness.
this beautiful graphic is a reminder of NO MORE, NEVERMORE. a reminder that what some may perceive as the bird of death is actually the bird of life, the bird that soars.
you’ve been afraid the same way in the poem of EDGAR ALLEN POE , THE RAVEN >, the same way the narrator was afraid of himself, afraid of his own darkness. he was afraid that the raven was an ominous symbol, and therefore, he stayed in fears. he lived in fears, and he died in fear.
you can do anything once you stop fearing yourself. it’s only that fear of yourself that has ever held you back, really. you can sail off into these other realms and still be human and still be a master on the planet and still encounter darkness and still have good days and bad days. you can do anything when you stop fearing yourself. and that’s been the real fear. not death. the real fear has been yourself. “what will I do? will I do something stupid? if I have this mighty raven as my pakauwah, my guide into the other realms, what am I going to do with it? will I get lost? will I destroy things? will I fuck up again?” to this day, you still carry a fear of yourself, why?
the point is I guess you’ve given yourself some reasons to have fear, because particularly in past lifetimes you’ve done some interesting things with power, with abuse, with darkness. why? you didn’t go into the darkness because you were running from the church or overly fascinated with power and darkness. again, it was simply for the fact that it was there, and to truly understand the light as part of bringing the christ consciousness to this planet, in order to really understand it, you would have to experience the dark. you can’t look at christ consciousness just through the light. you had to go in and find out about it through the darkness, and that’s what you bring now. that’s what you bring here into this lifetime. you emerged from that darkness.
we’ve gone beyond all that. we’ve gone beyond the games of the dark. it’s time to face that right now. it’s time to face yourself. take a good deep breath and hear the call of the raven, “nevermore.” no more fearing of self. let’s take a good deep breath into the anything – anything – once you go beyond the fear of you. let’s take a good deep breath and feeling into the raven – its strength, its great, great, great wisdom. it’s said that the raven hears the prophecies, hears the whisper of the prophecies in itself, and it does. it means that it knows its own way. it’s not afraid of its own way. not afraid of ever encountering itself. nevermore, dear shaumbra. nevermore.
let’s take a deep breath together
and now open the wings of your raven
and let yourself soar.'
ON THE WINGS OF HOPE series 2 - november 2 - 2024
merabh of AND
'I talk about hope, the wings of hope. kind of poetic.
those wings really are the AND.
that’s what allows you to open up. that’s what allows you to soar.
it’s so simple in a way. it’s simply acknowledging that there’s not just one you. there’s many “you’s.” there’s not just one way of feeling. there’s many ways of feeling, and you can do it all together at the same time. in your house, in your beingness, there are many mansions. there are many dimensions. it’s not about just choosing one or the other. it’s about being aware of all. of all. and then which one do you want to realize, or which ones do you want to realize?
you are all things. now, which one do you want to live? which one do you want to bring in reality? which ones do you want to bring into reality? this is all about recognizing potentials. this is all about 2044. where will you be? will you be in one or more of the ANDs? will you be in the reality that jami’s in, with the beauty and the ease of life? or stay in the reality where there’s still hardship and wars, famine and drought? or both, or none? this is what a master can do. this is truly what merlin does. this is what a master masters.
let’s take a deep breath together as we go into the AND of everything. it’s what opens the pathways into that reality that may seem far-fetched right now – the reality of jami in 2044 – but it opens the pathways. it’s not something that is statistically accurate. it’s not something that is a high probability but that doesn’t matter when you’re in the and. it simply doesn’t matter. there are no statistics, and everything is a statistic.
let’s take a deep breath together into the AND.
the AND, it’s the wings of hope.
t allows us to soar beyond probabilities and into the highest potentials.
some would call it magic.
to me, it’s just plain good physics.'
ON THE WINGS OF HOPE series 1 - october 5 - 2024