'what is timespace? that’s an interesting question, and how far does it reach? well, there’s a better word actually that we use for timespace, because that’s a relatively limited word. the word we use for timespace is a very simple word. i’m going to ask you to feel into it for a moment. don’t think too much about it, but it’s a simple word: bon. ... bon would be like a hologram, like a fabric, but not a physical fabric, like the hologram that is prevalent everywhere where consciousness goes. it is a way of consciousness of perceiving and experiencing itself. it is a hologram onto which the consciousness is able to see, feel, experience – not see with the eyes, but feel, experience – to know itself. that is the core of everything in all of creation. it’s not a substance. it’s not measurable by anything in current science. scientists don’t really, eh, they don’t even know about it. but to help you to understand, at the core is bon and that creates then what your scientists do know a little about – plasma. plasma. not plasma, as in blood, but plasma as in that substance that is the most … do you realize plasma is the most prevalent substance of anything in the universe? but very, very little is really discussed or known about it. a dark hole is basically highly, highly, highly condensed plasma. so from bon comes plasma. from plasma comes things like the ions, the way neutrons and protons and atoms and everything else works. but bon is at the very, very core of it. you could say that bon is the timespace, bon is kind of like the stage for consciousness, or the screen for consciousness on which to play. bon or timespace exists in all realms. you have this thing called time-space that is pretty unique to the human journey, but if you go into another dimension, there is a form of timespace. it has to be. but it’s bon. it’s not time, as in the watch and space like as in a size. it’s simply a parameter, a variable that is there to serve consciousness, because consciousness is not energy. consciousness is not physical reality. consciousness chooses to have something, a core something which to experience itself. your greatest experience here on earth is time-space. it allows you to do everything you’re doing – time, space and gravity. so bon exists everywhere where consciousness journeys and experiences. it changes from dimension to dimension, in a way. its effect, the way it allows consciousness to experience is different, but the basic element is still there. so it could be said, in a way, that a form of timespace exists in all the dimensions, but not necessarily in the same fashion that it exists here. a form of gravity or suction or attraction exists in all dimensions, but in a different flavor than what you have here. but let me go back to the main point. ...time and space, bon, is moving through you. it is serving you. you are not – you are not – serving timespace. it serves you. ... bon is what some would call unified energy field. but there are some misunderstandings about it. there is the field, the reservoir that’s right here and everywhere, of energy potential that is an absolutely neutral state. it has no positive or negative charge to it. it is waiting for consciousness to activate it. it is waiting then to turn into activated energy, positive or negative energy. it is waiting to turn into plasma. it is waiting for the activation, ultimately, into atoms and molecules and everything else in your reality that is enabled by gravity. gravity, once again, being time and space. ... the timespace element is kind of like a funnel or, for those who know what a venturi is, a venturi dealing with fluid dynamics. ... timespace works similar to it. in a sense, it’s like a funnel, and out here it’s moving at a different rate and it has a different energy attractant potential out here than it does here. now, what would this (narrow part) be? this is the now moment. this is the past and this would be the future. so this is past, now and future. and that is one of the principals of timespace movement through you. if you are present, if you are conscious – not of time but conscious of yourself, aware of your awareness, “I EXIST” – the flow rate of timespace is different. not necessarily faster though. as a matter of fact, you’re going to begin to understand it actually appears to go slower. it actually doesn’t. everything else goes slower, but the perception is that things slow down. when you’re in the now moment, the flow of timespace is more harmonious, it is more compatible, it is more serving to you than when you’re hanging out in the past or hanging out in the future. that’s the physics reason for being in the now, not just it’s nice airy-fairy, but it has a dramatic effect on you. on you. ...
timespace is moving and it’s creating gravity, a suction that will hold in physical matter, emotional matter, belief matter, and it creates reality. that is beautiful, just the ability for you, as consciousness, to have this happen. when consciousness doesn’t have arms and legs or a brain or eyes, for you to have this happen as a result of your consciousness is truly amazing! truly amazing. and, when you can also learn to step out of mass consciousness timespace into your own timespace, when you can learn that you’re no longer dependent on time-space god, that you are truly a sovereign being with their own bon, with their own plasma, with their own everything, then you are free. interesting, interesting, interesting. ... you’re going to find that time and space start to loosen up. it starts to become more flexible, but that’s not always a comfortable feeling at first, when your body has been regulated to staying in the old belief of time and space, the old movement of it. when you get out of that, it is going to feel strange, disorientation, weird brains and particularly weird dreams.' |
bon or timespace
EXISTS IN ALL REALMS bon exists everywhere where consciousness journeys and experiences... but not necessarily in the same fashion that it exists here. BON, is moving through you. it is serving you. you are not – you are not – serving timespace.
IT SERVES YOU. the timespace element is kind of like a funnel or, for those who know what a venturi is, a venturi dealing with fluid dynamics. now, what would this (narrow part) be? this is the
NOW MOMENT. if you are conscious, aware of your awareness, “I EXIST” – the flow rate of timespace is different. ... when you’re in the now moment, the flow of timespace is more
HARMONIOUS COMPATIBLE it is more serving to you than when you’re hanging out in the past or hanging out in the future. timespace is moving and it’s creating
GRAVITY - SUCTION that will hold in physical matter, emotional matter, belief matter, and it CREATES REALITY it is a way of consciousness of perceiving and experiencing itself. ... know itself. that is the core of everything in all of creation. when you can also learn to
STEP OUT OF MASS CONSCIOUSNESS TIMESPACE into your own timespace, when you can learn that you’re no longer dependent on time-space god, that you are truly a sovereign being with their own bon, with their own plasma, with their own everything, THEN YOU ARE FREE. ................................................................................