the master's life 2
the master's life 7:
the master's pause 4 >
''joy is this beautiful radiance that comes from so very deep within you. it comes from the “I EXIST, I AM ALIVE.” let yourself feel that joy once again. yes, even if you’re having a bad day, even if there is annoyances and interruptions, even if you hadn’t gotten enough sleep, no matter what it is, that joy is always there. to be alive is to be in joy. joy is a sense. it’s a way of perceiving reality. take a deep breath and feel into the joy that is present in your entire being. things like happiness are often based on other people, dependent on other people or dependent on something like money and abundance or even health. but joy knows no limits. it needs no others. it needs no thing other than just to be alive, to be the “I EXIST.”'
'the I AM is in this constant state of joyful expression. just the chalice of the I AM filling up over and over and just overflowing. it’s this constant in its joy of the “I EXIST-” you know, the I AM is not real complicated. the soul is not real complex. it’s in a constant state of “I EXIST!” and then boom! spiritual orgasm. and then I EXIST! boom! constantly feeling this.
when I work with many of you and I say, “let’s go back to the ‘I EXIST’” I want you to tap into that joy of the soul that has always existed. it was never created. it can never be uncreated. it’s simply in an innocent joy of “I EXIST.” and it sent forth part of itself, which became human eventually and is here in the experience of existing.' emergence series 2 >
when I work with many of you and I say, “let’s go back to the ‘I EXIST’” I want you to tap into that joy of the soul that has always existed. it was never created. it can never be uncreated. it’s simply in an innocent joy of “I EXIST.” and it sent forth part of itself, which became human eventually and is here in the experience of existing.' emergence series 2 >
remembering the I EXIST, I AM
in the crystalline realms >
dreamwalk back to I EXIST, I AM
walk on series 1, september 2015 >
'there’s nothing, just “I EXIST” there is no history to overcome. there is no future to have to figure out and worry about. there is just the I EXIST. I AM. there’s no power in here. there’s no hunger of the body or the mind or the soul in here. just I EXIST. (pause) don’t ever leave this place. don’t ever stop being here, ever. this is you. there’s no god. there’s no energy. there is nothing but YOU. I AM. don’t ever stop being here.
you can still be in all of the other rooms. you can be with family. you can be with friends and lovers and angels and nature and everything else. you can be in all those other things, but don’t ever stop being here. don’t ever stop being with YOUR SELF, I AM. everything else is just an act of consciousness.'
you can still be in all of the other rooms. you can be with family. you can be with friends and lovers and angels and nature and everything else. you can be in all those other things, but don’t ever stop being here. don’t ever stop being with YOUR SELF, I AM. everything else is just an act of consciousness.'
'this is not spiritual. this is not new age. this is not philosophical. this is the core of all things in the universe, in the omniverse, everywhere. that’s why i’ve been very adamant with you, talking about, experiencing the “I EXIST,” understanding consciousness and understanding the difference between consciousness and energy.'
walk on : the powerless life, series 2, october 2015 >
'consciousness is everything. everything. period. no ifs, ands or buts about it. consciousness is the beginning and the end. it all starts with consciousness. and as you have seen me draw many, many times, this circle with the dot in the center represents consciousness. i know you’ve heard this, but you tend to forget it. it’s the “I EXIST.” and not “I EXIST with anything around me.” in the true “I EXIST,” there is nothing. there’s not even black. it’s not even just dark. it’s not just quiet. it’s nothing whatsoever. there are no angels. there is no me. there is no past. there is no future. there is just you – “I EXIST.” when you get to that state, when you really, really experience it, everything that is so human, everything that is so trivial goes away, because you realize you have always existed, always, and you always will. you will change the nature of your expressions and your perceptions. you will change your experiences. you will change the knowingness of the I AM. but the “I EXIST” will always, always exist. this is core. and this simple circle with a dot in the middle, my friends, is going to change the course of human history in the not too distant future. that simple little symbol right there is going to change things in your lifetime. ...
'it’s going to be strange looking back 20, 30 years from now. it’s going to be strange for future generations from now to say, “you know, what was wrong with those people back in the 19th, 20th, 21st century? they had no understanding of consciousness. it wasn’t really even in the vocabulary. i mean, it was a word, but nobody really knew what it meant.” they’re going to look back generations from now and be amazed, befuddled that humans at the time didn’t even understand the basics of consciousness.'
excerpts from the milestone shoud 8
auszüge aus dem meilenstein shoud 8
may 2013 >
in the world of the blind - with one eye open - but finally and inevitably with both eyes wide open
"what you have to rely on is you, but yet unsure of who you are, still trying to find you in this endless sea of troubles, still trying to identify you – something that simply cannot be done – so you dive deeper into you, and you come to the point of realizing that you is not who you thought you were, whatsoever. the you that you have known was simply the creation of a mind, a mind that was conceived here on earth, that was developed here on earth, refined and programmed here on earth. the mind – the strangest of all the aspects – not you whatsoever.
so where do you find you?
certainly, beyond the mind, even beyond the heart. you find you in those darkest hours that you’ve had, those dreadful, horror-like, nightmarish dark hours that you’ve had, and each and every one of you have had them. those dark hours when you know there is no going back to the world of the blind and the unaware. those dark hours when you wonder “WHO AM I?” ... those dark hours when you come to the deepest, the simplest and the truest of truths. the only thing that matters is “I EXIST” that’s it. “I EXIST.”
certainly, beyond the mind, even beyond the heart. you find you in those darkest hours that you’ve had, those dreadful, horror-like, nightmarish dark hours that you’ve had, and each and every one of you have had them. those dark hours when you know there is no going back to the world of the blind and the unaware. those dark hours when you wonder “WHO AM I?” ... those dark hours when you come to the deepest, the simplest and the truest of truths. the only thing that matters is “I EXIST” that’s it. “I EXIST.”
this place of “I EXIST,” this simplest of all truths, is where you find you.
not surrounded by anything, anyone else. not confused by the world of the blind. not confused by the world of your mind or your desperate attempts to save an identity of yourself. in that simplest of places – “I EXIST” – is where you start to hear the beat, the rhythm of your soul. “I EXIST, therefore, I AM.” that’s all that matters. all that matters.
not surrounded by anything, anyone else. not confused by the world of the blind. not confused by the world of your mind or your desperate attempts to save an identity of yourself. in that simplest of places – “I EXIST” – is where you start to hear the beat, the rhythm of your soul. “I EXIST, therefore, I AM.” that’s all that matters. all that matters.
it’s always been there. it never goes into the darkness or into an abyss. it is never lost. it is only you – you, still in the world of the blind, still in a type of hypnotic living, still wondering how to make yourself better, how to make yourself perfect – it is you that actually goes back into the darkness, because the existence, the I AM, is always there, always waiting, always knowing. it does not care if you go into your own personal crisis, into chaos, into crash-and-burn. it does not care, because it knows you are always there, the I AM. it does not care if you were a queen or a king, if you were the richest being in all the world; it does not care if you succumb to the demons and the dragons of yourself or the others in the blind world around you, because it’s always there.
never forget this. in the darkest moments and in the most joyful moments, take a deep breath – “I EXIST.”
(the second eye) it is going to come open (anyway) because awareness desires more of itself. awareness continues to ask for more awareness, for the dissolution of false realities, for the awareness of itself and ultimately the feeling, the experience of love for itself. so that other eye will come open. and you can resist it, you can try to force it shut, you can go so far as to sew it shut, and it will come open. that’s also the good news."
für die deutsche übersetzung bitte hier klicken
in der welt der blinden - mit einem geöffneten auge - doch letztlich und unweigerlich mit beiden augen weit geöffnet
"worauf du dich verlassen
kannst, das bist du, aber du bist noch unsicher, wer du bist,
versuchst immer noch, dich in diesem endlosen meer von
schwierigkeiten zu finden, immer noch, dich zu identifizieren –
etwas, das einfach nicht möglich ist – und so tauchst du tiefer in
dich ein und kommst zu einem punkt, wo du realisierst, dass du nicht
im geringsten das bist, was du zu sein glaubtest. das du, das du
kanntest, war einfach nur eine schöpfung deines verstandes, eines
verstandes, der hier auf der erde konzipiert wurde, hier auf der erde
entwickelt, verfeinert und programmiert wurde. der verstand, – der
eigenartigste von allen aspekten – nicht im geringsten du.
wo findest du dich also?
sicher jenseits des verstandes, sogar jenseits des herzens. du findest dich in diesen dunkelsten stunden, die du erlebt hast, diese grässlichen, horrorähnlichen, albtraumartigen dunklen stunden, die du erlebt hast, wie jeder und jede von euch. diese dunklen stunden, in denen du weisst , es gibt kein zurück in die welt der blinden und der unbewussten. diese dunklen stunden, wo du dich fragst “WER BIN ICH?” ... diese dunklen stunden, wo du zu der tiefsten, der einfachsten und der wahrsten aller wahrheiten gelangst. das einzige, das von bedeutung ist: “ICH EXISTIERE” das ist es.“ICH EXISTIERE.”
sicher jenseits des verstandes, sogar jenseits des herzens. du findest dich in diesen dunkelsten stunden, die du erlebt hast, diese grässlichen, horrorähnlichen, albtraumartigen dunklen stunden, die du erlebt hast, wie jeder und jede von euch. diese dunklen stunden, in denen du weisst , es gibt kein zurück in die welt der blinden und der unbewussten. diese dunklen stunden, wo du dich fragst “WER BIN ICH?” ... diese dunklen stunden, wo du zu der tiefsten, der einfachsten und der wahrsten aller wahrheiten gelangst. das einzige, das von bedeutung ist: “ICH EXISTIERE” das ist es.“ICH EXISTIERE.”
an diesem ort des “ICH EXISTIERE,” dieser einfachsten aller wahrheiten ist es, wo du dich findest.
nicht umgeben von sonst irgendwas, irgendjemand. nicht verwirrt durch die welt der blinden. nicht verwirrt durch die welt deines verstandes oder der verzweifelten versuche eine identität deiner selbst zu bewahren. an diesem einfachsten aller orte – “ICH EXISTIERE,” – ist es, dass du den pulsschlag, den rhythmus deiner seele zu hören beginnst. “ICH EXISTIERE, deshalb BIN ICH.” ist alles was zählt, alles was zählt.
nicht umgeben von sonst irgendwas, irgendjemand. nicht verwirrt durch die welt der blinden. nicht verwirrt durch die welt deines verstandes oder der verzweifelten versuche eine identität deiner selbst zu bewahren. an diesem einfachsten aller orte – “ICH EXISTIERE,” – ist es, dass du den pulsschlag, den rhythmus deiner seele zu hören beginnst. “ICH EXISTIERE, deshalb BIN ICH.” ist alles was zählt, alles was zählt.
es war immer schon da. es geht
nie in die dunkelheit oder in einen abgrund. es geht nie verloren.
nur du – du, immer noch in der welt der blinden, immer noch in
einer art hypnotischer lebensweise, dich immer noch fragend, wie du
dich besser, perfekt machen kannst – effektiv gehst du in
die dunkelheit zurück, denn die existenz, das ICH BIN, ist immer da,
immer wartend, immer wissend. es kümmert sich nicht darum, ob du in
deine eigene persönliche krise gehst, ins chaos, in untergang und
verderben. es kümmert sich nicht darum, denn es weiss, dass du immer
da bist, das ICH BIN. es kümmert sich nicht darum, ob du eine
königin oder ein könig warst, ob du das reichste wesen auf der welt
warst; es ist ihm egal, ob du deinen eigenen dämonen und drachen
oder denen von andern in der blinden welt um dich herum erliegst,
weil es immer da ist.
das nie. in den dunkelsten und in den freudvollsten momenten, nimm
einen tiefen atemzug – “ICH EXISTIERE.”
(das zweite auge) wird sich (ohnehin) öffnen, denn gewahrsein wünscht mehr von sich selbst. gewahrsein fährt fort, nach mehr gewahrsein zu verlangen, nach der auflösung von falschen realitäten, nach dem gewahrsein seiner selbst und letztlich nach dem gefühl, nach der erfahrung von liebe für sich selber. daher wird das andere auge sich öffnen. und du kannst ihm widerstand leisten, du kannst versuchen es mit gewalt zu schliessen, du kannst sogar so weit gehen es zuzunähen, und es wird sich öffnen. das ist auch die gute nachricht."
oh, that is the realization of mastery.
what does that mean? that sounds nice when people say it. “I AM THAT I AM. namaste.”
everything i’ve ever done, everything i ever will do, every potential that i ever created in the wall of fire,
not just what i remember, what i think I AM. but
all the layers and levels, things experienced and not experienced, realized and unrealized. I AM all of those. I AM anything that i choose to be. that’s what that really means.
merabh giving up the fight, kharisma series 5, I EXIST, I AM THAT I AM, I KNOW THAT I KNOW >
oh, that is the realization of mastery.
what does that mean? that sounds nice when people say it. “I AM THAT I AM. namaste.”
everything i’ve ever done, everything i ever will do, every potential that i ever created in the wall of fire,
not just what i remember, what i think I AM. but
all the layers and levels, things experienced and not experienced, realized and unrealized. I AM all of those. I AM anything that i choose to be. that’s what that really means.
merabh giving up the fight, kharisma series 5, I EXIST, I AM THAT I AM, I KNOW THAT I KNOW >