live hosted event for the first time online on august 19 - 21 2022
checking into heaven >
dreamworlds >
the big work walkout >
the master's life 15
I AM worthy >
master's pause 13
the unfamiliar family >
master's life 14 >
I AM beauty >
master's pause 12
beauty is its own wisdom
it changes how energy comes to you beauty is an experience, not a value judgment gift yourself with the sense of beauty beauty is in everything it’s your energy, how could it be anything but beautiful? |
shaumbra benching gatherings >
I AM comfort >
master's pause 11
highlights there is value in discomfort, but you can transcend it
discomfort comes from resisting chaos magic happens in unpredictability chaos just means you don’t understand it yet wisdom is the knowingness of the future it’s your energy – how could it not work out? |
I AM free >
master's pause 10
highlights the soul has always been free
human has been “separate” from consciousness release the past, mass consciousness, time and the mind integrate – “into great” – consciousness and energy then you will be free in your own energy and passion true freedom – it’s all natural! |
dreamwalk of realization >
highlightsyou chose to be here right here, right now
are you ready to allow your real realization? this time is special, the zero point everything is yours… everything this is heaven, and you’re the god here what you allow now can literally change history. |
interview with paul congdon
paul congdon, "positive life magazine" conducted a thoughtful interview with geoff and linda which included an audience question and answer session at the end. paul, having done his homework, asked wise questions about the relationship of the covid-19 pandemic and the economic imbalance on the planet. the discussion continued on the differences between channeling tobias and adamus, as well as abundance, death, and the free energy body.
geoff and linda took audience questions that centered on our role in the world as this momentous time. in addition to the article link, there is a full youtube video of the interview in the positive life magazine channel. be sure to check out the back page for the special crimson circle advertisement. >
positive life interview- posted october 5, 2020 in the crimson circle flash update.
passion of the MERLIN online >
I AM abundance >
master's pause 9
highlightsabundance is a state of being
now is the time to get over your hang-ups about it abundance is the ability to receive from your I AM suffering has been a huge block; are you done yet? it’s all your energy, serving you in the now “abundance is a natural state, let’s get on with it” |
I AM true >
master's pause 8
highlightsdoubt is a distraction AND it’s a gift
it’s an irritant to keep you moving helps you not stay stuck in an unnatural state but it doesn’t need so much attention there is actually nothing false within you come back to “I am real” |
pathways to realization
the master's life 12 >
time of the sixth sun interview
with adamus, linda and geoffrey
the youtube video >'listen in as geoff, linda and adamus talk with nikki luna and theo from time of the sixth sun. topics covered include coronavirus, conspiracies, convergence, realization and more!'
cc flash update on april 20 |
you can stream or download the isolated topics here >
I AM calm >
master's pause 7
highlightsthe dragon is here, the planet is awakening
you have all the tools for your own stability you have heart – compassion, passion, love you have wisdom and knowingness you are safe; it’s okay to be calm relax deeply into “I AM calm” |
cloud class re-release and updates march 2020
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journey of the angels update >
prognost 2014 re-release > |
ancestral freedom update > |
saint-germain's february 14, 2020 message >
time out >
highlightswhy you can’t forgive yourself
what makyo really is st. germain’s encounter with the dragon coming soon – love that can melt diamonds > religion and rules versus allowing politics – a loser’s seductive game |
living energy
master's life 11 >
I AM merlin
master's pause 6 >
merlin is the integration of the human’s experience and the master’s wisdom. with this integration the magic begins.
'" magic is very, very real. it always has been. in the last three or four hundred years on this planet, magic has been kind of pushed out. but it’s coming back in a limited form right now, limited meaning to a small number of people. for the masses, for what lies ahead in the future, well, magic is going to be scorned, because it’s not in compliance with conformity.
magic is “that which cannot be explained by science or logic, but that which is.” it is. it’s there. magic is the ability to allow energy to serve you. not somebody else’s energy, not a universal energy, but finally your energy to serve you."
magic is “that which cannot be explained by science or logic, but that which is.” it is. it’s there. magic is the ability to allow energy to serve you. not somebody else’s energy, not a universal energy, but finally your energy to serve you."
way out
the master's life 10
'embodied realization is why you’re here. in order to experience this freedom, you must allow your way out of the confines of duality, mental focus and extreme limitation. in WAY OUT adamus saint-germain shares what he considers the three most important ways to go beyond. these are focus, gravity and oneness. he also explains that you cannot get out if you’re still playing energy games, have interfering aspects, close ties with your ancestors, or are taking mind and mood altering medications. however, when these things are released, you can learn to walk out and come back as desired. then your true passion blossoms and you become the new merlin, a master and friend of energy. it will also lead to your free energy body or light body.'
meet adamus saint-germain - channelers - episode 6 >
'kevin moore interviews geoff, linda & adamus
this presentation from kevin moore is an excellent introduction and overview of crimson circle history and teachings. easy to understand, insightful and inspiring, it’s perfect to share with others who would like to know more about crimson circle, channeling, mastery and more! geoffrey and linda hoppe share about their background as businesspeople who one day found themselves running a completely different sort of company, and their current relationship with the entities. adamus talks about going beyond awakening into true mastery, some of the pitfalls encountered in the process, how to deal with challenges, the illusion of power, letting energy serve you, and much more.' (cc description)
this presentation from kevin moore is an excellent introduction and overview of crimson circle history and teachings. easy to understand, insightful and inspiring, it’s perfect to share with others who would like to know more about crimson circle, channeling, mastery and more! geoffrey and linda hoppe share about their background as businesspeople who one day found themselves running a completely different sort of company, and their current relationship with the entities. adamus talks about going beyond awakening into true mastery, some of the pitfalls encountered in the process, how to deal with challenges, the illusion of power, letting energy serve you, and much more.' (cc description)