intro - emergence - wings - transhuman - walk on - kharisma - discovery - soul dream - knowingness - kaikho & kharisma - receiving
merabhs, dreamwalks, experiences
from the freedom & e2012 series in mp3 format
with adamus saint-germain
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'a merabh is a beautiful moment where you just allow. there’s no manipulation of energies. it’s just taking a deep breath. ... we’ve talked about freeing ourselves from the limitations of the human mind, the human aspect. such a loving being that human aspect is, so resilient. oh! so wanting to do the right thing, but feeling in the darkness about what the right thing is. what do we do? we free ourselves of that human aspect or its limitations, allowing that genuine love that the human has to integrate back into the I AM. i can’t think of any beings anywhere in creation that have more love than what humans have, but yet have more conflict with love, more challenges. probably because the human being, so loving, so truly wanting to do the right thing, that they ultimately judge themselves so harshly, set their standards so high, are so affected by failures – what they call failures – in love. yet all the time learning more and more about love, more and more about love than any beings anywhere. here we are, coming through the freedom series. it gave you an opportunity to look at the things in your life that have kept you limited. some of them have been fun. some of them have just been so limiting, keeping you from feeling and experiencing the true I AM here within this embodiment. so frustrating to have those limitations, some of these limitations feeling like they are permanently attached to you. so take a deep breath into the true freedom.'
assuming enlightenment
erleuchtung annehmen
double super merabh
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'assuming … now, it’s different if you haven’t really chosen enlightenment. like i said at the beginning of this gathering, then you’re still a student. now if you’ve made a clear choice for enlightenment, you are a master. just assume it. stop questioning. stop doubting. you know it’s kind of been programmed into the human being to always doubt and question, to make sure that you’re real, to make sure you’re really being honest with yourself, because in the past you think you’ve played games with yourself. you haven’t been honest. you’ve been a liar, a thief, all the rest of that. it doesn’t matter anymore. you don’t have to keep testing yourself – not at all – unless you like doing that. but i don’t think you do. you just assume that everything that’s happening, every energy that’s coming to you is about enlightenment. you just assume that everything that happens, including your irritation and aggravation, is about enlightenment. and it is, by the way. you’re irritable because you’re no longer going to falsely tolerate things you find intolerable.you assume that everything that happens – taking the wrong turn on the road – is not just fate. it’s not this group of angels making you do that. it’s not because you’re a bad person. you just assume, awesomely assume, that everything that’s happening, every iota of energy, every ray of energy, whether from the earth or whether from cosmic or crystal, is about your enlightenment. and a funny thing happens: then it is. if you start throwing buts in there – “but well, but i’m not sure …” – just think of these plates that i just demonstrated, covering up. they take energy. they make that core I AM-ness invisible. they overshadow it. 'you can just assume everything. it’s magic, in a way. it’s magic. some would argue – well, they do argue. they say, “well you’re just deceiving yourself.” i would argue that the other form – all the doubts, all the waiting – that was the true deception. i would say that just assuming is being real with yourself, trusting yourself, allowing yourself, recreating yourself.'
freedom series 9, july 2013
no shoud in june - kein shoud im juni
another special page for the merabh of receiving the energies of the crystal caves in thr april shoud 7
eine weitere spezielle seite für die merabh zum empfangen im april shoud 7>
another special page for the merabh of receiving the energies of the crystal caves in thr april shoud 7
eine weitere spezielle seite für die merabh zum empfangen im april shoud 7>
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freedom series 6, march 2013
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'you’ve had a lot of years, a lot of lifetimes of struggle. this year and from here on doesn’t need to be that way. it is as easy as allowing it. ... this is a merabh, by the way, a merabh of ease and grace beginning right now. no more struggle no more walking in the fog. just no more. ... let’s take a deep breath. just ease … and grace. take a good deep breath and bring in ease and grace into your life experiences this year. no more wishing or hoping. just allowing. ease and grace in life. why not? why not? nothing that you have to earn. take a deep breath, as you allow that to be your consciousness for this year. ease and grace. no more fights with yourself … struggles … lack of fulfillment. just ease and grace. let’s take a deep breath with that. in the merabh, it’s just about, well, allowing. take a deep breath. no more beating the head into the wall, just ease and grace. not about trying to figure it out anymore, just ease and grace. no more battling the demons, just ease and grace. no more putting on that suit of armor when you wake up in the morning, just allowing the ease and the grace into your life. ... it’s as easy as saying a few simple words – “i claim my sovereignty.” you find yourself distracted … distorted … disrupted. you have to ask yourself “why?” maybe because you’re used to it. it’s just a matter of saying, “no more.” you’ve created a crystal ceiling – a crystal ceiling between the worlds – separating heaven and earth, divine and human. somehow you’ve accepted that crystal ceiling. maybe it’s time to say, “no more.” maybe it’s time to dissolve it, not to try to break your way through it, but to say, “no more.” ... “no more.” that’s all you have to do, is tell yourself “no more.” there’ll be some things that try to drag you back, for the old energy and that old human aspect that you had until december 21st are very seductive. but they have no power. it’s not a battle of wills or power. seductive, yes. that’s when you say, “no more.” it’s that easy. ... a good deep breath. ease. grace. allowing. key words – and energy – because these bring in the energy.'
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freedom series 4, january 2013

merabh for allowing the shift
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e2012 shoud 12, august 2012
you're no longer alone. we've found a space to name our own. there aint no need to fret or fuss. we've got all the strength we need in the shape of us. and i know you've had it tough. your road's been bumpy and rough. but say goodbye to a world that you once knew. i have every faith in me and you.
hold my hand. hold my heart. let go your fears. darling i will always be here. |
i never felt quite so at home. your sweet caress is the best i've known. now that i've proved to you that i'm worthy of your trust.
let us build a world in the shape of us. |
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e2012 series 7 , march 2012
invitation of the soul into this reality
'inviting yourself … inviting your soul, your wisdom, potentials, your I AM-ness into the tube, into this reality is perhaps the greatest gift you could have ever given yourself.'
'inviting yourself … inviting your soul, your wisdom, potentials, your I AM-ness into the tube, into this reality is perhaps the greatest gift you could have ever given yourself.'
gayatri devi![]() ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः ।
तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि । धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ॥ oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ tát savitúr váreniyaṃ bhárgo devásya dhīmahi dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt ![]()
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e2012 series 5. january 2012 |
intro - emergence - wings - transhuman - walk on - kharisma - discovery - soul dream - knowingness - kaikho & kharisma - receiving