' kharisma, kaikho,
passion, the clarity and the grace.'
'how easy it is to forget that fire that’s deep within, that longing. longing, what some of you would call the longing to go back home,
but it’s really the longing to be home – to be your home.'
'i’m going to ask you to feel into this fire, the fire of kaikho. deep within. it’s there. it’s that thing that says, “only the freedom, nothing else matter.” no excuses. no compromises. no holding back.
kaikho. it’s a burning fire within, a burning deep passion within, a longing, an insatiable thirst within. it’s a passion. but it can be a fire that doesn’t burn, a fire that doesn’t destroy; a fire of transmutation out of complacency into passion; a fire that moves the energy that’s been stuck for so very long; how easy it is for one on the way to enlightenment to distract themselves, dilute themselves, deceive themselves, forget that fire that’s deep within, that longing. longing, what some of you would call the longing to go back home, but it’s really the longing to be home – to be your home.' |
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discovery series 11, july 2014
'the natural state of I AM is kharisma. it flows on its own, my friends. there’s no controlling it. there’s no putting it in neat little boxes. it’s expression.
kharisma naturally never feels unsafe. the personality – your personality – has felt unsafe many times. the kharisma is never unsafe. it’s not trying to protect a body or an identity, so how could it be unsafe. kharisma is like a radiance. it’s not in the mind at all. if you’re trying to think about your kharisma, it’s going to be a little confusing. the mind can’t understand it. and if your personality manager is trying to figure it out, it’s not going to be able to. it will never become part of your personality, ever.kharisma doesn’t care about things spiritual, financial, any of that. kharisma floats, soars, expands, dances. it suffers no details. it suffers no past. it suffers no philosophy. has no tolerance for things that are not authentic. it cannot be trapped nor controlled nor worked on nor wounded. it’s best and perhaps only friend is kaikho. kaikho lives right next door to kharisma. they share many a song together. they understand each other, because they’re both undefined, unstructured and uninhibited.' ' kharisma, kaikho, passion. the clarity and the grace.' |
kharisma series 1, august 2, 2014
intro - emergence - wings - transhuman - walk on - kharisma - discovery - freedom & e2012 - soul dream - knowingness - receiving