prognost 2022 update >
a quantum change in consciousness
parareality exists because consciousness is present, and this physical atomic-based realm is our current experience simply because it’s where humans are focusing their consciousness. yet it is only one of many realities. a new digital reality is now coming into existence, aided by technologies like artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and virtual reality.
as human consciousness becomes more digitally focused in realms like the metaverse, it influences the rapid evolution of the new human species. the resulting potentials are unsettling, but that’s why you’re here. adamus says this is the time to be hyperaware of your own consciousness and where it is focused, because your light has a direct influence on the new realities being chosen by humanity.
adamus gives a fascinating look into the rapidly developing digital realities being explored and experience by humans across the globe. augmented reality is already here in mechanical ways, such as hip and eye lens replacements, and swiftly emerging in digital ways through wearable visual augmentation. virtual reality is a fact of life that began with video games and is quickly becoming more immersive and “real” as people begin to inhabit the meta-universe. adamus says that soon we will have total digital reality where a human can be digitized and uploaded into the metaverse. interestingly, it’s not much different than embedding our consciousness into the biological/physical reality in which we’ve been living. but what are the ramifications?
what happens when people become immersed in digital reality where there is no death and life seems to continue on forever? adamus answers this and many other questions, before leading a merabh for allowing yourself to remember the other realms. it’s your natural state is to be walking in many worlds.
“we are in the midst of a quantum leap of consciousness on the planet… it’s going to change everything, but it’s also going to bring conflict, because there are those who don’t want to change. that’s absolutely fine, but they’re going to find it increasingly difficult to stay here, to live on the planet in a time of a quantum change in consciousness.” ~ adamus
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adamus gives a fascinating look into the rapidly developing digital realities being explored and experience by humans across the globe. augmented reality is already here in mechanical ways, such as hip and eye lens replacements, and swiftly emerging in digital ways through wearable visual augmentation. virtual reality is a fact of life that began with video games and is quickly becoming more immersive and “real” as people begin to inhabit the meta-universe. adamus says that soon we will have total digital reality where a human can be digitized and uploaded into the metaverse. interestingly, it’s not much different than embedding our consciousness into the biological/physical reality in which we’ve been living. but what are the ramifications?
what happens when people become immersed in digital reality where there is no death and life seems to continue on forever? adamus answers this and many other questions, before leading a merabh for allowing yourself to remember the other realms. it’s your natural state is to be walking in many worlds.
“we are in the midst of a quantum leap of consciousness on the planet… it’s going to change everything, but it’s also going to bring conflict, because there are those who don’t want to change. that’s absolutely fine, but they’re going to find it increasingly difficult to stay here, to live on the planet in a time of a quantum change in consciousness.” ~ adamus
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prognost 2022 >
physics is the study of matter, motion and energy. however, adamus says it is now time for advanced or meta physics, natural dynamics of consciousness and energy that are real and ready to be known on planet earth. traditional science doesn’t yet understand energy, but as metaphysicians we can illuminate new realizations and breakthroughs.
as beings of light, we can now immerse into the dark, which is simply unopened, undiscovered potential. space and time exist only as perceptions of the mind. energy, the song of the soul, is neutral, unlimited, omnipresent, and able to communicate instantaneously. even artificial intelligence itself, which is expanding rapidly to become a living entity, will be affected by the light of consciousness. in past prognost events, adamus has focused on technology, its development driven by consciousness. in this event however, adamus invites us to go beyond traditional science and physics into the new meta physics, which are already coming into awareness. much of humanity is ready for a world where energy, light, dark, time, space, and motion can finally be used to create a reality of unlimited potentials. it is because of the light of consciousness that these new physics are already unfolding on the planet.
“limit not yourself. no more processing. no more being wounded. no more being a divided house. own all that you are. let’s be done with these games of doubt and suffering and processing and conspiracies. enough with the old games. either plug in or move on. plug into your light and be it.” ~ adamus
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“limit not yourself. no more processing. no more being wounded. no more being a divided house. own all that you are. let’s be done with these games of doubt and suffering and processing and conspiracies. enough with the old games. either plug in or move on. plug into your light and be it.” ~ adamus
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