magic flow
in the new era >
timeless - a journey beyond >
magic simply means that there is so much more than what most are possibly aware of, and it’s right here.
magic, meaning the beyond, meaning more than just the regular human life.
magic, meaning the beyond, meaning more than just the regular human life.
magic - magie
allowing my awareness to expand beyond the programmed and hypnotized mind with its beliefs in limitations.
meinem gewahrsein erlauben, sich über den hypnotisierten verstand mit seinem glauben an begrenzungen hinaus auszudehnen.
another milestone event
in santa fé - june 2019
bringing back the magic
a milestone event
in bled - october 2018
ascending above mass consciousness
magic is really just communing with energies. going beyond what the mind would know, going beyond beliefs. but magic is open and free and expansive and it's there. it's there if you allow it. oh yes, perhaps the mind will argue and say, "are you just making this up?" but it's not about what you believe, but what you allow.' kuthumi)
'magie bedeutet wirklich einfach nur mit energien kommunizieren, hinauszugehen über das, was der verstand wüsste, über glaubensvorstellungen hinauszugehen. magie ist offen und frei und expansiv und sie is da. sie ist da, wenn du es erlaubst. oh ja, der verstand wird räsonieren und sagen, "denkst du dir das gerade einfach so aus?" doch es geht nicht darum, was du glaubst, sondern darum, was du zulässt.' (kuthumi)
the magic of AHMYO >
'the energies that are meant to serve you are doing this already, without the human even having to say, "I want this one or that one," but simply the energies are serving you and the master that you are before you even consciously humanly realize what it is you need. this is what one may call the magic of AHMYO. it's already known.'
die magie von AHMYO >
'die energien, die dir dienen sollen, tun dies bereits, sogar ohne dass der mensch sagen müsste: "ich will diese oder jene". die energien dienen einfach dir und dem meister, der du bist, noch bevor du auf der menschlichen ebene bewusst realisierst, was du benötigst. es ist das, was man als magie von AHMYO bezeichnen kann. es ist bereits bekannt.'
the return of the magic - die rückkehr der magie
the new merlin era >
'merlin was not one person, rather a title that was taken by numerous masters over the ages. most people are familiar with merlin from the arthurian legends dating back to the 4th and 5th centuries, but the merlin title was first used approximately 600 BCE. a merlin has been present in europe and the mideast since then, most notably in the areas of romania, france, england, hungary and austria. the merlin’s of the time worked closely with the mystery schools. they were known for their ability to time travel and shape shift. when a merlin of one era would meet a merlin of another era in their time travels they would acknowledge each other with the greeting, "oh-be-ahn." there have not been any embodied merlin’s for the past 400 years. '
geoffrey hoppe in shaumbra magazine december 2013 ![]()
'merlin war nicht eine einzelne person, vielmehr ein titel, der von zahlreichen meistern über die zeiten hinweg angenommen wurde, die meisten leute sind mit dem merlin aus der arthussage vertraut, die auf das 4. und 5. jahrhundert zurückgeht, aber der titel merlin wurde erstmals ungefähr um 600 vor unserer zeitrechnung verwendet. ein merlin war seither jeweils in europa und im mittleren osten vorhanden, insbesondere in der gegend von rumänien, frankreich, england, ungarn und österreich. die damaligen merlin's arbeiteten eng mit den mysterienschulen zusammen. sie waren bekannt für ihre fähigkeit durch die zeit zu reisen und sich zu verwandeln. wenn ein merlin aus einer ära auf seiner zeitreise einem merlin aus einer anderen ära begegnete, pflegten sie sich mit dem gruss "oh-be-ahn" anzuerkennen. in den letzten 400 jahren gab es keine verkörperten merlin's mehr.'
master's pause 6 - I AM MERLIN >
dreamwalk for childhood magic >
a magic drop
ein zaubertropfen
my sweet sweet divine heart. in the magic flow of our breath the shame blame pain games, echos of the past, are dying away in the vast timescape, yet sounding as joyful jingle bells in our timeless part.
mein zartes zärtliches heiliges herz, in unserem magischen atemfluss verhallen die schmerzvollen echos von fern in den weiten zeitformen, wovon sie zehr'n, doch klingen sie als fröhliches glockenspiel hell durch unseren zeitlosen kern.
es war einmal - once upon a time...
'once upon a time, a long time ago on earth, there was this thing called magic. now, some of you are going to ask later, well, why didn’t I call it fantasy? well, fantasy has a bad connotation. so I’m going to call it magic. but a long time ago on earth, as in the other realms, there was something called magic. magic was this creative expression and creative interchange into the other realms. a long time ago on earth you were able to actually experience – to feel, to touch, to see – things like the wind fairies.... there are gnomes. there are elf fairies..... more
fairy tales - märchen
'how wonderful fairy tales are! you know, sometimes you read these fairy tales, or there are now movies about them. you walk out of the movie, or put down the book, and say, “that was nice, but it was just a fairy tale.” but, we want to tell you that something happened during that time. just because it isn't earth-physical-tangible – just because you can't touch it or taste it with your human senses – doesn't mean it isn’t real. it is all very real. and, if there's any one point we want to convey to you today, it is that it is all real. the thoughts, the images, the dreams, the fairy tales – they all have an impact. perhaps, it is not real as defined by your current science or physics because it says it has to have certain physical qualities for it to be real. but, even science is finding out that real isn’t what they thought it was. and, they’re going to continue to find that out. they’re going to have amazing and startling discoveries that show a new type of physics. and, we’re going to call it “new energy physics.” it doesn't have to be material to be real.'
cinderella phoenix
bäumchen, du rüttelst, schüttelst dich,
wirfst gold und silber über mich, ich atme ein mein erfüllendes sein, atme aus den belastenden plunder, im UND ich strahle befreit, oh wunder . my shivering quivering little tree,
gold and silver you throw down on me, I'm breathing in the fulfilling blessing, breathing out all the junk so stressing, in the AND I'm radiating, free. |
cinderella had buried her nourishing mother aspect, and her supposed protective father aspect was mostly absent. therefore, though mourning about her loss, she piously accepted to be the victim of her nasty, dark and disrespectful step family aspects, suffering all their humiliations and tribulations in silence, as she had been told by her beloved mother. however, her deep inner knowingness about her true origin guided her to ask from her father the appropriate present by modestly choosing a hazel branch, in truth
and when the awakening call in the form of an invitation to the royal ball went out from her kingdom, everything was ready and just fell into place. all the evil manipulations failed, the obstacles were removed, so that the charming prince magi and the princess risen from the ashes became aware of each other and were finally reunited, living forever in their kingdom of joy and fulfillment.
my aspectologic interpretation on december 2015
my aspectologic interpretation on december 2015
aladins wunderlampe - aladdin's magic lamp
aladdin's magic lamp is within us, my friend.
each conscious breath rubbing it,
energies serving our choices.
I choose and allow the creative falling in love with self
aladins wunderlampe ist in uns, liebes.
jeder bewusste atemzug reibt sie,
die energien dienen unserer wahl.
ich wähle zauberhaft kreatives verlieben ins selbst
jeder bewusste atemzug reibt sie,
die energien dienen unserer wahl.
ich wähle zauberhaft kreatives verlieben ins selbst
die zauberflöte - the magic flute
when playing the magic flute, our core passion attracts and aligns all the needed energies serving the manifestation of its dreams.
wenn unsere tiefinnerste leidenschaft die zauberflöte spielt, zieht sie alle benötigten und ihr dienenden energien an und richtet sie auf das manifestieren ihres traums aus.
zauber des vollmonds - full moon magic
snapshot of august 2013 full moon from my balcony through the ash tree
schnappschuss vom august vollmond 2013 durch die esche von meinem balkon aus
schnappschuss vom august vollmond 2013 durch die esche von meinem balkon aus
full moon room > vollmondraum
at every full moon (easy reminder) since february 2015 the G.A.M.E room opens on the crimson circle website for connecting with the essence of the GRAND ASCENDED MASTERS OF EARTH AND SHAUMBRA.
seit februar 2015 öffnet sich auf der crimson circle website zur vollmondzeit (gedächtnisstütze) der G.A.M.E raum, wo wir uns mit den GROSSEN AUFGESTIEGENEN MEISTERN DER ERDE UND SHAUMBRA verbinden können.
wuschel & zwaschpel
stone magic, true alchemy
stein zauber, wahre alchemie
'von all der energie und den potenzialen, die in dem stein enthalten sind, wird ungefähr .00001 dieser energie verwendet, um die illusion der härte des steins zu erschaffen. der rest der energie sitzt in einem neutralen reservoir und wartet darauf, einen befehl zu erhalten. und ihr, meine lieben freunde, seid die schöpfer, die sie erschliessen könnt, wenn ihr das wählt.'
cc buchtour 2010 bern
'of all of the energy and potentials contained within the stone, about .00001 of that energy is actually used to create the illusion of the hardness of the rock. the rest of the energy is just sitting in a neutral reservoir waiting to be commanded. and you, my dear friends, are the creators to unlock it, if you choose.'
cc booktour 2010 bern
cc buchtour 2010 bern
'of all of the energy and potentials contained within the stone, about .00001 of that energy is actually used to create the illusion of the hardness of the rock. the rest of the energy is just sitting in a neutral reservoir waiting to be commanded. and you, my dear friends, are the creators to unlock it, if you choose.'
cc booktour 2010 bern
flute - blessed banyan tree