energy is passion
'there is CONSCIOUSNESS, it's the I AM , it's the AWARENESS, it is the I EXIST, the core of you: I EXIST, I AM THAT I AM. and from that consciousness, the joy of the I AM, the joy of existing, comes a PASSION. it's like a LOVE OF SELF in a very healthy way. a passion just for I EXIST, the realization of that I EXIST, that exudes a passion. and that passion is energy. energy is passion. that's all it is. it then takes the form of, or you could say is interpreted as COMMUNICATION. … it's that I AM passion singing out I EXIST, I AM THAT I AM. every little particle of energy is communication, it's THE SONG OF THE I AM.
this is not what I would call a airy fairy new age concept, this is actual physics of creation. this is not a metaphysical concept, this is literally what energy is. it is the communication, the passion of consciousness.
and ultimately, ultimately it comes into this realm, your physical realm. it comes to a process of light, convergence to light. the song of the soul converting to the stream of light, and then eventually becomes particles here in your physical reality.
but if you feel back into 'what is energy? why is it there? how do I relate to it? what does it mean to me?', it's the passionate song of the I AM. that's it.
yet people on this planet, not understanding energy, and also experiencing what I would call rough energy, limit it. (KVII/21)
this is not what I would call a airy fairy new age concept, this is actual physics of creation. this is not a metaphysical concept, this is literally what energy is. it is the communication, the passion of consciousness.
and ultimately, ultimately it comes into this realm, your physical realm. it comes to a process of light, convergence to light. the song of the soul converting to the stream of light, and then eventually becomes particles here in your physical reality.
but if you feel back into 'what is energy? why is it there? how do I relate to it? what does it mean to me?', it's the passionate song of the I AM. that's it.
yet people on this planet, not understanding energy, and also experiencing what I would call rough energy, limit it. (KVII/21)
master's life 13 - ENTELLIGENGE >
master's life 11 - living energy >
'energy was born from the passion of your consciousness.
you could say that energy is passionated consciousness .'
'act of consciousness - das spiel der meister >'
'energie entstand aus der leidenschaft eures bewusstseins.
man könnte sagen, dass energie verleidenschaftliches bewusstsein ist.'
each and every being is sovereign
'each and every being is sovereign. each and every being attracts their own energy. energy itself isn't a group thing. it's not a community, a bank or vault filled with energy. energy is yours. it comes from the passion of the soul, from the I AM. every souled being has it, has access to it. it's yours. it always has been and it always will be. it's your energy in service to you.'
'jedes einzelne wesen ist souverän. jedes einzelne wesen zieht seine eigene energie an. energie als solche ist keine gruppensache. da ist weder ein gemeinwesen, noch eine bank oder ein mit energien gefülltes gewölbe. energie gehört dir. sie kommt von der leidenschaft der seele, vom ICH BIN. jedes beseelte wesen hat sie, hat zugang zu ihr. sie gehört dir. so ist es immer gewesen und so wird es immer sein. es ist deine dir dienende energie.'
'you, my friend, you are consciousness. remember that? you are consciousness. your consciousness is pure and true. there is no energy in your consciousness. the consciousness is the passion, the I AM THAT I AM. the consciousness is the awareness of your existence, and that consciousness, your I AM, it calls forth energy to serve you; it activates energy at all of the different levels to serve you, for, indeed, energy is in service.
energy is there for your joy, for your pleasure. energy is there to help you experience all that life has to offer. energy is there to manifest your dreams, to create your heart’s desires. energy is in service to you.' adamus |
energy is all communication
energy is all communication, communicating with all the different parts of itself into this grand symphony of life. the human often feels out of resonance, because the communication becomes so limited, but imagine your energy constantly communicating its JOY, and the human now being able to sense that, and the human communicating back its song of GRATITUDE. that’s kind of what energy is all about!
a communication that ultimately can create realities, and un-realities. (KIX/13)
a communication that ultimately can create realities, and un-realities. (KIX/13)
energiendas universum, der kosmos, sie sind voller energien. sie sind absolut voller energien. die energien wurden dort hingetan, dort erzeugt; aus eurer leidenschaft, eurer leidenschaft, euch selbst zu kennen, jenen inneren gott zu kennen, um – wie ihr sagen würdet – nach hause zurückzukehren. aber was ihr findet, ist, dass das zuhause zu euch kommt. ja, das zuhause kommt zu euch. es kommt zu euch.
energiesthe universe, the cosmos are filled with energies. they’re absolutely filled with energies. the energies were put there, made there, from your passion, your passion to know thyself, to know that god within, to, as you would say, return home. but what you find is home comes to you. yes, home comes to you. it comes to you.
bewusstsein und energien
consciousness and energies