prognost 2019 update >
you are the dreamers
adamus opens this important message with a clear reminder of why you are here – embodied realization – and a candid admonition to not get distracted, whether by family, humanity, the environment, causes, politics or anything else. “put all of yourself into your realization,” he says, "for you are the dreamers of a whole new era. this is your true passion, and merlin’s best friend, the dragon, will make sure that you bring no imbalances into it." adamus goes on to talk about the rapid advancement of technology and artificial intelligence, which will bring a conformity reminiscent of atlantis. while human life will essentially become managed by smartphones, beings of consciousness like you will be here showing the way to the beautiful alternate reality of new earth. after his reminder of why the dragon is here, adamus gives a sobering look at the state of the planet. with mental focus at about 97%, it leaves just 3% for creativity, crowding out the dreamers, the joy and the creativity. because of this, the overall energy dynamic of human consciousness is the feeling of being lost. he takes a look at old and new earths, saying that shaumbra are here to be way-showers to illuminate the option of coming to new earth for the humans who are ready for an alternative.
in the second session, he answers a number of questions, then leads a beautiful merabh for the dreamers. while his comments about old earth may seem daunting, especially because of our memories of atlantis and the headbands of conformity, this message is really about bringing the magic back into life. in fact, he says magic will become outlawed at some point, because it will not be recognized by computer intelligence. however, we will learn how to be invisible to the tracking systems and even how traverse between the new and old earths at will. (cc description)
prognost 2019 >
the dragon enters - der drache kommt herein
'a little bit different prognost, I guess, but what this was was more about acknowledging what's happening right now. it's something that's been prophesied and dreamt of for so very long and now, with prognost 2019 it's here. ... as the dragon enters the planet, observe, watch, be aware. allow the wisdom to help you to understand what's really going on on this planet right now. things will definitely change. ... it's going to challenge so many people, it's going to challenge mental concepts. observe how it changes technology, for technology without applied consciousness can really be a demon. ... watch also how it changes the very nature of shaumbra. ... watch ... as the dragon comes to all shaumbra and challenges them to receive forgiveness from the I AM - forgiveness for being a human and everything that comes with it. ... watch how it comes into your life. it comes in waves at times.... like a storm ... or like the dearest friend you ever had. and then, when you really start to realize the dragon and the butterfly> were always the same thing, always, then you know you're getting it. ... let's take a deep breath together.' (session 3)
'eine etwas andere prognost, schätze ich, aber es ging darin mehr darum anzuerkennen, was jetzt gerade geschieht. es ist etwas, das seit so langem schon prophezeit und erträumt worden ist und nun, mit prognost 2019, ist es da. … wie der drache in diesen planeten eintritt, beobachtet, schaut, haltet die augen bewusst offen. erlaubt es der weisheit euch verstehen zu helfen, was wirklich gerade jetzt auf diesem planet geschieht. die dinge werden sich definitiv verändern. ... es wird viele menschen herausfordern, es wird mentale konzepte herausfordern. beobachtet, wie es die technologie verändert, denn die technologie ohne angewandtes bewusstsein kann wirklich ein dämon sein. … beobachtet auch, wie es das wesen von shaumbra verändert ... beobachte ... wie der drache zu allen shaumbra kommt und sie auffordert, vom ICH BIN vergebung zu empfangen - vergebung dafür mensch zu sein und für alles, was damit einhergeht. … beobachtet, wie es in euer leben kommt. es kommt manchmal in wellen ... wie ein sturm ... oder wie der beste freund, den ihr je hattet. und dann, wenn ihr wirklich zu realisieren beginnt, dass der drache und der schmetterling > immer dasselbe waren, immer, dann wisst ihr, dass ihr es verstanden habt. lasst uns zusammen einen tiefen atemzug nehmen.' (session 3)