'I’m calling for us just to stop and let go of some of the things that really are holding you back. '
'ich wünsche, dass wir einfach anhalten und einige der dinge loslassen, die euch wirklich zurückhalten.'
'MASTER'S LIFE 6 will be a little bit different than the other master’s life’s because, in a way, we’re stopping. I’m just calling for a pause. I’m calling for us just to stop and let go of some of the things that really are holding you back. no more tolerating the very things that are holding you back from the very thing that you want the most. you oftentimes allow these things into your life, and sometimes you use it for an excuse for not really allowing your enlightenment – the very thing that you came here to this planet for in this lifetime.” (adamus)
'MASTER'S LIFE 6 wird von den andern master's life ein wenig verschieden sein, wir halten gewissermassen an. ich bitte einfach um eine pause. ich wünsche, dass wir einfach anhalten und einige der dinge loslassen, die euch wirklich zurückhalten. genau die dinge nicht mehr tolerierend, die euch von genau dem abhalten, das ihr am allermeisten wollt. ihr lässt diese dinge oft in euer leben und manchmal braucht ihr sie als ausrede, um eure erleuchtung nicht wirklich zuzulassen – genau das, wofür ihr in diesem leben auf diesen planeten gekommen seid.' (adamus)
distractions - ablenkungen
distractions – that’s my big point today. well, my second big point. the thing I wanted to talk to you about was your distractions, and it’s the biggest thing right now getting in the way.
here you are on this amazing spiritual journey. I mean, it’s amazing, if you could see it like I see it. it truly is. you get caught up in the details, but it’s fascinating how it works, fascinating how you’re bringing in new levels of you into this reality. but you get distracted. and I’m amazed. actually, that’s the one part that really amazes me. you’re so close. you have – you – have chosen this as the lifetime, as the lifetime of integration. it’s all you wanted. it’s all you cared about. it was the reason you came here. it’s the reason why you’re here – to let it happen. you said, “I’m just going to come down here and let it happen.” but then you got distracted. not you (lulu), but you – all of you. you get distracted by things; you forget that that was the passion, that’s the reason you’re here, joe, for the integration. you get caught up in human things. and, yes, I do understand. I mean, I understand it’s easy to happen to all of you, but you get … (the wind whistles again, he pauses and looks around) was that you larry? (laughter) you get caught up in distractions. what are they? well, they’re your job. they’re … you worry about your health, and then when you worry about your health, you’re going to have health problems. (he picks up someone’s brownie, takes a bite, makes a face and throws the rest on the floor; laughter) you get all caught up in things. you get caught up in family stuff, work stuff. you get caught up in world stuff. you worry about the world. why? like, is your worrying going to fix it? or just add to the problem? worry about what you should be doing. that’s such a simple fill-in-the-blank, so simple. when you say, “what should I be doing?” just enjoying it. that’s all. that’s all. you don’t have to do anything big, in terms of like start a business and become multibillionaire. it doesn’t matter. doesn’t matter. you get distracted by your car breaking down. so what? walk. (adamus chuckles) i did. I didn’t have a car. I had horses. get a horse! you get distracted by money worries, abundance – number one shaumbra issue, abundance – and then you tell yourself you can’t do anything, because you don’t have the money. well, boy, are you a prophet or what?! (laughter) and it’s just going to continue that way. you’re not going to have money, and you’re not going to do anything. wow, pretty amazing. you get distracted by, eh, I’m going to call it philosophy. you know, all this … oh cauldre, I really need to lock him in that room. (some laughter) you get distracted by gurus. you get distracted by classes and, you know, the latest things that you’re into. and if it’s not white gold, it’s some sort of crystal. you know, there’s actually a new crystal from africa, discovered on the western coast, and it can heal cancer in your body. and I happen to have some for sale afterwards. please, please! there’s only one thing that’s going to heal you. you! you! you, you . " ![]()
it’s fascinating how it works, fascinating how you’re bringing in new levels of you into this reality.
but you get distracted. es ist faszinierend, wie es läuft, faszinierend, wie ihr neue ebenen von euch in diese realität bringt.
aber ihr lässt euch ablenken. you’re so close. you have – you – have chosen this as the lifetime, as the lifetime of integration. it’s all you wanted. it’s all you cared about. it was the reason you came here. actually, you really didn’t have to do anything to make it happen, and you knew that before you got here.
but then you got distracted.
ihr seid so nah dran. ihr habt - ihr - habt dieses leben als das leben zur integration gewählt. das ist alles, was ihr wolltet. alles, was euch wichtig war. es war der grund, weshalb ihr hierher gekommen seid. ihr musstet wirklich nichts tun, um es geschehen zu lassen, und ihr wusstet das, bevor ihr hierher kamt.
aber dann habt ihr euch ablenken lassen. you get caught up in human things. and, yes, I do understand. i mean,
I understand it’s easy to happen to all of you, but you get caught up in distractions. ihr lässt euch in menschliche dinge verwickeln. und ja, ich verstehe es durchaus. ich verstehe, dass es allen von euch sehr leicht so ergeht.
aber ihr lässt euch in ablenkungen verwickeln. “what should i be doing?” just enjoying it. that’s all. that’s all. you don’t have to do anything big, in terms of like start a business and become multibillionaire. it doesn’t matter. doesn’t matter.
"was sollte ich tun?" es einfach geniessen. das ist alles, das ist alles. ihr braucht nichts grosses zu unternehmen in etwa wie ein geschäft zu gründen und multimilliardär zu werden. es spielt keine rolle, wirklich nicht.
please, please! there’s only one thing that’s going to heal you. you! you! you, you."
bitte, bitte! nur etwas wird euch heil machen. ihr! ihr! ihr, ihr."
un-choose - 'ent'-wählen
'wegen eurer liebe und eurem dienst, habt ihr diese probleme der menschheit tief in euch getragen, in euren körpern und eurem verstand und eurem alltagsleben. ihr habt die dramen anderer ausgelebt, die probleme anderer. ihr habt sie zu lösen versucht. ihr habt versucht, euch durch ihre probleme hindurchzuarbeiten, um ihnen beizustehen und ihnen zu dienen, und bis zu einem gewissen grad hat es geholfen.
aber in dieser "ICH" energie, in der wir nun sind, ist es zeit, dies gehen zu lassen. diese krankheit ist nicht die eure. dieser konflikt ist nicht der eure. diese traurigkeit ist nicht die eure. diese depression ist nicht die eure. dieser mangel an fülle gehört nicht euch... ihr dient niemandem – weder euren lieben, euren feinden, der menschheit, den delfinen, den bäumen oder wem auch immer – wenn ihr noch länger daran festhält. ihr habt es früher einmal gewählt, jetzt könnt ihr es 'ent'-wählen. |
'because of your love and... because of your service, you have been carrying the issues of humanity deep within you, your bodies and your minds and your everyday life. you’ve been acting out the dramas of others, the issues of others. you’ve been trying to resolve them. you’ve been trying to work through their issues in order to assist and to serve them and to a degree it has helped.
but in this “I” energy that we are now in, it is time to let that go. that disease is not yours. that conflict in your head is not yours. that sadness is not yours. that depression is not yours. that lack of abundance does not belong to you... you’re not serving anyone else – your loved ones, your enemies, humanity, the dolphins, the trees or anything else – by holding onto it any longer. you chose it before, you can un-choose it now. |