dreamwalker death 2020
adamus recently recorded dreamwalker death 2020. while it contains the essential information of the first dreamwalker school, it is vastly updated to reflect the current situation in the other realms as well as consciousness changes here on earth.
cloud class > cc highlights video > .............................................................................................................................................................................
halloween dreamwalks
please make sure to listen in a quiet, uninterrupted space, and allow an additional 15 minutes to breathe and get grounded. please do not listen while driving a car or having any other distractions.
warning: one should not be in a chemically-induced altered state when participating in this dreamwalk
warning: one should not be in a chemically-induced altered state when participating in this dreamwalk
bitte höre dir den dreamwalk unbedingt an einem ruhigen, ungestörten ort an und gönne dir zusätzliche 15 minuten zum atmen und erden. bitte nicht im auto oder zu anderen tätigkeiten anhören.
warnung: du solltest dich nicht in einem chemisch hervorgerufenen veränderten bewusstseinszustand befinden, wenn du an diesem dreamwalk teilnimmst.
warnung: du solltest dich nicht in einem chemisch hervorgerufenen veränderten bewusstseinszustand befinden, wenn du an diesem dreamwalk teilnimmst.
'every dreamwalk now will simply be letting it come to you. it’s time and space that are moving. it’s energy that’s moving to come to you.' (walk on: the powerless life 8)
halloween dreamwalk 2015
the halloween cloud class dreamwalk 2014
is no longer available
is no longer available
'out here you come back into the consciousness of the I AM, I AM. out here you can come into the consciousness of the pure rhythm that I EXIST. I EXIST, I AM ... it is such a place of beauty and love ... you can come here anytime ... remembering the beauty of who you truly are. with total compassion ... and love ... perhaps the two hardest things that you will ever do.... perhaps the greatest challenge that any angelic being will ever have ... you know, there are many angels that don't even know of that thing called love because it was first created on earth and experienced on earth, and it is the pathway, the doorway to enlightenment and ascension. loving thyself. what has been the journey ever since you left home has been the question "WHO AM I?" and then to fall in love with the answer.'