linked slideshow
* verdichteti härzgschpräch *
I sometimes like to play with my current native language, writing things "uf bärndütsch", in the bernese german dialect, like for instance the "verdichteti härzgschpräch" or "condensed, kind of poetized heart conversations". >
If you don't know what this might sound like, listen for instance to the song mentioned at the bottom of this page >
or to late bernese song writer mani matter > , here with a funny parody - not to be taken too seriously - about an unfulfilled arabian love story >
and yes, you are right, why not melodize them and sing them myself.....
* 'the land of blue' comic strip *
please click on the comic for the bigger picture
text in the speech bubbles
“if I know the mom story "the land of blue"? well..... I love books you know. I'm a writer myself. remember my biography of miss helen sweetstory!
not to be compared with it, you say. good grief! you mean the blue story makes it clear that with our blue land eyes all our food comes to us in parcels wrapped up in a tight and unremovable blue packing! and that trying to open the boxes by throwing our blue magic against this blue covering makes it even stronger?! I hate blue. where is my food?! *sigh*
ohhh, aha! cool! it's as simple as saying "NO MORE blue covering!" and - oh, that's so poetic, could stem from my pen - allowing the rising sun of our consciousness to slowly start melting it away, for all the gifts to be revealed.
oh! this is over the rainbow magic and unlimited food!”
“if I know the mom story "the land of blue"? well..... I love books you know. I'm a writer myself. remember my biography of miss helen sweetstory!
not to be compared with it, you say. good grief! you mean the blue story makes it clear that with our blue land eyes all our food comes to us in parcels wrapped up in a tight and unremovable blue packing! and that trying to open the boxes by throwing our blue magic against this blue covering makes it even stronger?! I hate blue. where is my food?! *sigh*
ohhh, aha! cool! it's as simple as saying "NO MORE blue covering!" and - oh, that's so poetic, could stem from my pen - allowing the rising sun of our consciousness to slowly start melting it away, for all the gifts to be revealed.
oh! this is over the rainbow magic and unlimited food!”
mainly inspired by MEMOIRS OF A MASTER - the land of blue > THE MASTER'S LIFE 9 > KEAHAK >
for more smilings with my other two best frieds go to >
for more smilings with my other two best frieds go to >
* my crystalline and golden advent.ures *
a crystalline advent.ure
*self full* *playful* *selbsterfüllt* *spielerisch*
do you see the past ?
darling let's be playful self full graceful divine human child at last |
siehst du was vorbei?
liebstes lass uns fliegen spielend selbsterfüllt uns wiegen göttliches menschenkind nun sei |
* playgrounds *
'what happens next is a most beautiful thing. when you come into the "I EXIST, I AM CREATOR" with no force or power or agenda; when you allow that radiance of your beingness, your consciousness, your I EXIST now to go forth to shine like a star, what happens next is the result of creation. what happens next is the energies, which are really the passion of the I AM, of your I AM, the energies now start assembling, uniting, flowing, and it's actually the energies that create what you would call realities. the creator never said, "energies, assemble in this way or that way." the creator simply said, "I EXIST, I AM RADIANCE." but now all the energies, which are really the creator's, all the energies having now total freedom to make into experience, total freedom to create a physical reality, total freedom to create a PLAYGROUND for the creator - they start doing it.
they are not being directed. they are not being told how to do it. the energies have total freedom to start making this beautiful PLAYGROUND for the creator. from that universes are created. planets are created. matter is created. actually they just come into being. atoms and molecules come into being. plasma comes into being. you see, the energies are now in their PLAYFUL spirit, serving the I AM all the time, never out of service. the energies can also play together. they can come together in nonphysical realities. they can come together in a dream state. they can come together to create something that will eventually be known as time and space. ... and then, what I would call the most beautiful miracle of all, the I AM goes into this PLAYGROUND to experience it. it still remains as the I AM in nothingness, but now the radiance of the I AM, it merges into all of the energies. it goes into its own creation to experience it, to feel it, to be within its creation, [maintaining its purity in the nothingness, but now going into its creation.]' (TML7/6 2018)
* my no-t-e book fun *
my no-book no, not notebook or note- not no-book ? - it doesn't matter - directly into the limited structure of my english, the unlimited glowing flow pouring out of my source, soaking the letters, streaming through the spaces, burning the alphabet . . . will it ever rise from the ashes again? |
* oh yes! for instance in
the fruit of the rose abc >*
* mit webzeug spielen*........................................................................................................................................................
diese ganze webseite ist auf spielerische weise entstanden. impuls, name, design, der inhalt eine fahrt ins blaue. aufbau, ausbau, klicken, ziehen und schieben, texten, illustrieren, alle werkzeuge (inklusive alten shop!) ausprobieren, später die headers, welche wonne! alles ganz leicht, denn ich mache mich nur ans werk, wenn es mich dahin zieht und drängt. in sporadischen schüben, manchmal in längeren abständen. kurz: es macht spass, ist voller schönheit und geht in die tiefe.
* playing with webtools *
this whole website came to be in a playful way. impulse, name, design, the content a trip into the blue. composition, development, click, drag and drop, write and illustrate, exploring all the tools (including the old shop!), later the headers, what a delight! everything just easy flow, because I only go for work when I feel the drive and draw. sporadic activities, sometimes with rather long intervals in between. in short: it's fun, it's beauty and depth.
* so true - so wahr *
* oh ho ho ho, amazing art apps *
let's discover, play and explore
entdecken, spielen, experimentieren
my sweet sweet divine heart
in the joyous excitement of our breath we laugh and jump finally rising above the sticky mud of the old pseudo ways ............................................................................................................................................................................
* amor versus armor *
* make love not war *
* removing obstacles *
* hindernisse entfernen *
divine sweetheart
with the tenderness of our breath riding carried by lord ganesh we dissolve the smirking demons at the entrance of the cave and fly into the infinite golden sky |
mein geliebtes heiliges herz
mit der zärtlichkeit unseres atems reitend getragen von lord ganesh lösen wir sie auf - die grinsenden dämonen am eingang der höhle so grau und fliegen ins unendlich goldene blau |
* little heart *
* härzeli *
mein eigenes lied!
my own song!
exhilarant dream sequence
in einem abgedunkelten raum, wahrscheinlich mit shaumbra, denn linda mir gegenüber - ein kleiner tisch oder ein klavier zwischen uns - stimmt ein lied an und ich sage:"da kann ich nicht mitsingen, es ist zu hoch für mich, und wenn ich es eine oktave tiefer versuche, ist es zu tief." und so singe ich mutig und laut mein eigenes lied in meiner eigenen stimmlage irgendwo zwischen zu hoch und zu tief.
als ich aufwachte, war ich wirklich belustigt, denn mein lied war die erste strophe eines von mir lange vergessenen schweizer volkslieds "s'isch mer alles eis ding...". (aber offenbar noch sehr populär und mit vielen youtube videos vertreten). |
erheiternde traumsequenz
in a shaded room, probably with shaumbra, because linda in front of me - a small table or piano between us - is intoning a song and I say: "can't sing along with that, it's too high pitch for me and when I try one octave lower, it's too low." and so I boldly and loudly sing my own song at the pitch of my own voice somewhere in between too high and too low.
when I woke up in the morning I was really amused because my song was the first strophe of a little and to me long forgotten swiss folk song: "s'isch mer alles eis ding...." (but obviously still very popular and present with many youtube videos!) |
perfektes destillat von aktuellen themen
perfect distillate of various current themes
s'isch mer alles eis ding
ob i lach oder sing ha nes härzeli wie nes vögeli darum lieben i so ring (=leicht) . |
it's all one thing to me
whether I laugh or sing have a little heart like a little bird that's why I love so easily . |