prognost 2021 update >
in this remarkable overview of the timespace continuum, electromagnetics, gravity, flow, and rhythm, adamus explains how these elements are used by energy – the song of your soul – to create reality. and it’s all made possible by time. as planet earth undergoes intense and high-speed change due to the increased flow of energy, it brings disruptions to every system and pattern, particularly the pattern of time. according to adamus, the rigid structure of time, which literally holds reality in place, is fracturing. you might experience this as time wobbles or glitches, disorientation, even a feeling of ‘going crazy.’ but, in fact, you are simply beginning to experience free time, and it’s happening right now! forget about renewal; everything goes completely new as time itself becomes open, flexible, and non-linear.
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it is intense and confusing for humanity, but you chose to be here right now, and your balanced presence is more important than ever. as flow increases and time begins to crack and fracture, it is very unsettling because everything on earth is time-based – music, eating, walking, sleeping, wellness, emotions – everything. shaumbra have already gone through this on a personal level and are now learning to create a personal timespace continuum that can constantly change and evolve. now, with these disruptions happening on a planetary scale, there will be more conflicts and resistance for a while. the good news is that the changes are also bringing medical breakthroughs, greater equity in access to resources and opportunities, and much more. humanity is entering a whole new era that began with the quantum leap in 2007 and continued through monumental events like the dragon coming to earth, the coronavirus pandemic, and a massive consciousness reset. facilitated by changes in time and accelerated by technology, it may be a bumpy ride for a while, but there is nothing to fear. as adamus states, “time shall set you free.”
prognost 2021 >
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humanity has entered the long-awaited AGE OF AQUARIUS, also called the CHRISTOS or CRYSTAL ERA, what adamus calls THE TIME OF MACHINES. consciousness, energy, communications and technology are changing so fast that within 30 years every facet of human life will be different. as conscious humans move into ÆTERNA or “no time” and this potential is added to mass consciousness, it becomes possible to choose a past without trauma and a future of grand expansion. the deep sadness felt by humans across the globe comes from an inner knowing that we no longer need to create the inhumanity of the past.
adamus saint-germain outlines a number of trends at the forefront of this change, all driven by technology and backed by consciousness. these trends include things like bioengineering, decentralized manufacturing, crispr, new language processing capabilities, redefinition of the family unit, physical and mental augmentation, and more. the coronavirus brought tremendous change, and business is playing an ever-growing role in shaping the planet while the roles of cultural karma, religion and military power no longer serve humanity.
you go first; the planet follows. it’s why you’re here.
prognost 2021 merabh
a deep sadness is permeating humanity, a sense of desolation and remorse. many shaumbra feel it but don’t understand why, thinking something is wrong within themselves. but this anguish comes from something far bigger. in this deep lament, adamus saint-germain notes the violence, greed, poverty, torture and rape that humans have inflicted upon each other and asks, “what have we done, dear angels?” earth was never meant to be a place of suffering, addiction and pain. it’s time to change these things – by taking care of ourselves first and allowing the past to come to wisdom.
this elegy for our old world was given during adamus’ annual presentation, prognost 2021. after offering a high-level perspective on the most influential trends on the planet, he addressed the deep sadness that many humans have been feeling to one degree or another. in this time of machines, also called the CHRISTOS ERA or THE ÆND TIMES, he reminds us that all the cruelty on earth is ultimately about cruelty to oneself. then, giving a clear path for rewriting our experiences on this planet, he reminds us that we’re here to change the potentials into something beautiful. when it comes to allowing this resolution, adamus says, “wisdom is not justification. wisdom is wisdom. we’re not taking sides; we’re simply going into the ænd times.” (cc description)