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merabhs, dreamwalks, experiences
from the MERLIN I AM series in mp3 format
with adamus saint-germain
* practical magic for the modern merlin - list * >
you can find the links to all the previous shoud merabhs here >
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merabh of refuge
'it’s so easy to get into that mind game, “what should I being doing?” and you know what that’s like, the mental struggle. you try to justify or rationalize things. it does not work. it’s your own personal conspiracy. it never goes anywhere. so, what you do is you take a deep breath, and you realize, first of all, “I AM THAT I AM. I EXIST.” and then, without thinking it but rather feeling it, remember that everything that you’re going through right now is natural. it’s all natural. you’re exactly where you should be.and when you can accept that, you take a deep breath – and it’s not a mind game, it’s an acceptance or an allowing – you take a deep breath. wow!
and then the amazing thing is, “in spite of myself, how did I ever get here? I mean, how did I arrive exactly where I should be, exactly where I wanted to be? with all the self-conspiracies and all the external distractions, how is it possible that I even landed right where I’m supposed to?”take a deep breath and realize this is all natural and you’ve got some amazing guidance. it’s called the master, the soul. and I know you don’t really quite yet understand how to really communicate with that part of self, but in another way you really do. there is a communication going on the whole time. it’s not in human words, human languages, but there is that communication.
the refuge is just stopping for a moment like this and saying, “wow! this is all natural. I don’t have to work at it. I don’t have to fight it. I don’t have to build these false bridges. it’s all right here.” that is real trust. that is real allowing, because you’re in this place of realizing you don’t have to work at it. it’s just about taking a deep breath and smiling at yourself, like, “in spite of me, in spite of all my human foibles, I’m right here – damn! – right where I should be. how is that even possible?” you got here and that’s the important thing. stop wondering what’s wrong with you. let's take a deep breath.
your refuge is you. it’s the natural, the natural beautiful piece of yourself.'
merabh for the physical issues
'if you’re having a physical issue – cancer, diabetes, heart problems, aches and pains, whatever it happens to be – you want people to kind of feel sorry for you and you want to feel sorry for yourself. there’s no place for it anymore. you are a sovereign being, and even though you’ve come down or descended or whatever you call it into physical matter, it doesn’t take away that you are truly a sovereign being and that it’s all your energy and it’s there to serve you. if there are physical issues going on in your body damn it, you’re still finding something in it. it’s time to get over that. we’re going to bench and I don’t want to be benching with wheelchairs and canes. I want to see healthy masters sitting on these park benches.
now, you don’t have to go in and figure out what it’s doing to serve you, because then you’re going go to get back into that duality battlefield of the mind and you’ll never figure it out. but you can tell yourself that you are absolutely done with it, it’s not serving you, it’s not what you’re choosing, and it needs to be gone. and then, damn it, expect that it’s going to be gone. expect that there’s a transformational process that includes the bending and shaping of time – basically, as you say, going into the future, but occurring right now – that resolves this issue, because in the future you are not sick. in the future, you are not old and broken down. you’re not having to get up every morning and take medication to solve some problem. in the future, you are healthy. I know it.
don’t get into the mind games. it’s like “it is done now.” and then stop and take a deep breath in the moment and let the future go to work for you. right now, as the future of the healthy you come into you right now, as you say, “I will not tolerate physical issues anymore,” something is happening back there in the past, in the quasi- or the non-crystallized physical and changing that. it’s changing the far past so that you’re not susceptible or vulnerable to the pains and the suffering of the physical body.
you’re changing your own master code from eons of time ago, long before earth,
and you’re doing it right now.
that’s what you’re here for, amongst other things, but to say, “it’s time to let all that in right now” – what is bespoken in the future, what is tailored for you, by you in the future and what is bespoken for you in the past – and let it occur right now. it’s not a real hard job, but it takes getting out of this battleground of the mind and all the thinking and anxiety and taking on mass consciousness and everything else. it’s as simple as just feel into that word “bespoken.” it has many meanings. bespoken means that you’ve tailored this for yourself. you fashioned it for you. the future is the bespoken for you and as is the past. it is all tailored, designed. and right now is that time to realize it.
we’re going to enter our new series pretty soon and we’ll talk about more things, but you can apply this same thing to your financial abundance. you can apply it to just about anything in your life. in your life. it’s time to let all that go, and it all comes under the category of suffering. let’s take a good deep breath.
we bring this MERLIN I AM series to a close, and I love endings. every ending brings a new beginning, a transformation, and that’s what is happening right now.
what is merlin?
merlin is the time traveler. merlin is the one who realizes that there really is no past or no future. it’s not linear. you can bring in anything from any time whenever however you want. you are no longer restricted. you’re free to move about time. it’s amazing. it’s so liberating. what is merlin? merlin is understanding that, first of all, merlin is not a name of just a being. merlin is a title and there have been many merlins. I have been a merlin, and now you become the merlins. it’s your title. merlin means that everything is magical, but yet nothing is magical. everything is magical because it’s all part of your energy and your creation, but there’s really no mystery in it. it’s just hydrogen, helium and oxygen. that’s not real tough. there’s no mystery in it. it’s what do you want to do with the components? how do you want your consciousness to shine on your oxygen or your helium? and then watch how all the atomic structures start and form and they cohese together to create a reality that you can go play in. a merlin understands that you’re not restricted by physical, unless you think you are. merlin understands that suffering is, first of all, thank goodness, temporary. it’s a bad phase you go through, and then you get over it. you realize that, okay, that suffering was kind of fun for a little while, but come on, we go way beyond it now. a merlin understands that they don’t have to be here on the planet. but if you stay, if you stay, don’t keep holding on to old excuses. don’t keep holding on to physical issues.
let’s take a deep breath together and let’s bring this I AM MERLIN series to a close by accepting that you are the merlins. you’ve got it. it’s yours. it’s being handed over to all of you. let’s take a deep breath and realize that this is the fastest changing time in the history of this planet, but of any other civilization of creator beings, and you’re right in the middle of it. I look at you and sometimes I wish I could wave the magic wand and get you to realize what you’re really doing here. what you’re really doing. it’s not just about you and your life. it’s about the planet and it’s about all of creation. let’s take a good deep breath, my dear friends, everybody joining in and remember that truly, as we go into sitting on our park benches shining our light on the planet, that all is well in all of creation.'
MERLIN IAM series 11 - august 7 - 2021
merabh of self-love
'soul didn’t know about love. but now in the wisdom that has been brought to the soul, it knows love, and … (adamus sighs) … it wants to share that with you. it learned about love from you, and now wants to share that with you. the love of your past, all of your lifetimes, it wants to share that with you, its love, and the future. what a precious time where we go beyond what we ever planned to do when we came here to earth. what a precious time. and for you, the human, in the experience, who actually discovered love, now is the time to receive it from yourself. take a good deep breath. your soul truly wants to show you this and it wants to dance in the experience of it with you. let’s open this new chapter for shaumbra. let’s take a good deep breath. what a crazy world. what a weird world. what an era we’ve just gone through, and now we embark on I would say the real passion – what is it like to know the love of self?'
more on love >
more on love >
MERLIN IAM series 10 - july 3 - 2021
dream gathering merabh
'we had a big gathering the other night. there were literally about 8'000 shaumbra there at this gathering. the culmination of this gathering, so many shaumbra there, the culmination was that THIS IS THE WAY. a lot have dropped out along the way. the group consensus was that it’s been a tough journey in many, many ways, but this is exactly what we came here for.
it was kind of a POINT OF SEPARATION at this gathering, to go ahead into the next phase of what we do or just to kind of like hold back on the throttle, just kind of let everything catch up, absorb things. the shouds would maybe just be kind of reiterations of what’s already been said. nothing really new. just kind of more opportunity to let it soak in or to go for it.
with over 8'000 shaumbra there in this dream state gathering, there was actually only six that didn’t want to go forward faster, and it probably wasn’t any of you who are watching here right now. everyone else said, “yes, this is the way. this is what we came here for.” and while it’s very difficult at times carrying all this within you, going through all these changes so quickly, it’s also your passion.'
MERLIN IAM series 9 - june 5 - 2021
merabh of happiness
'doubt is a game.
it’s the devil’s game, ultimately. doubt goes very, very deep. it gets in your mind and goes into your heart. it seeps into your relationships, into everything. it seeps into your financial life, your professional life. and doubt – coming to this place on your journey, staying here as an embodied master, I’ll just tell you straight out
you don’t have the luxury to doubt yourself anymore.
that’s it. it’s that plain. it’s that simple. you don’t have the luxury to doubt yourself. you don’t need that safety net anymore. “if I don’t doubt things that I do, what if I just go off and do crazy things?” no, no. you’re doing crazy things right now by doubting yourself, by living small, by not being happy in every moment. that’s crazy. when the student asked the master, “master, are you happy?” the master simply replied, “no doubt at all.” his way of saying, “yes, I’m happy because I don’t doubt myself. I am all that I am. I’m happy because I gave up that game a while back, and now I can be happy. doubt is a murderer. doubt is a rapist. doubt is a thief. I simply told it to be out of my life.”'
not allowing |
allowing |
'putting away that umbrella. that is allowing. that rain coming down, what you thought was rain, you come to understand, “every drop is just a potential of what I can choose to experience in my life.” then you realize it’s not rain at all. it is your soul, your divinity coming here to you in this human 3d reality. it’s your wisdom and your energy and your potentials. it’s the master all coming here and suddenly you realize, “it’s not rain, it’s actually beams of light from myself to me. it’s actually my past and my future now coming to me, and it’s all gathering here right now.” and you start to realize for so long you thought it was rain and you sought to protect yourself, to shield yourself. you put up a veil to protect yourself, and now you take a deep breath and you throw that umbrella away and you allow. and as you allow, the perspective changes. the perception of what was a nasty storm cloud you now realize it is the warmth and the comfort and the compassion of your own soul. what you thought were raindrops, cold and driving with wind against your body, are just rays of your own light all coming here right now to be with you. that’s allowing.
taking a deep breath and opening up to yourself. that’s allowing.
you don’t have to chart the course. you don’t have to figure out the logic. you don’t have to do the reasoning into how all this happens. it’s going to happen. it’s only for you to experience the beauty of it. yeah, and sometimes the difficulties, but that’s beautiful also. it’s only for you to allow and to experience. ah! that fills the soul with rejoicing to be able to do that, to be consciously aware of what you are in the midst of experiencing right now. that is profound. that is a master. hm.
let’s feel into that for a moment.'
let’s feel into that for a moment.'
'so, here you are now at this time of great change, flip, turnover, do over, roundabout, whatever you want to call it. it’s a huge transformation right now. you’re in the midst of it. and on top of that you’re getting very supersensitive. they occur in tandem, but sometimes it appears that they’re working against each other and they’re not. they’re not. you’re just becoming more sensitive, more aware, as you’re really getting ensync with your own energy. let’s take a deep breath with that and feel into where you are right now in your life, the epic nature of what you’re going through.'
MERLIN IAM series 8 - may 1 - 2021
ensynch merabh
'the important thing is to understand that if you’re going to stay here on the planet as a realized human being, as a realized master, that it’s all about the energy right now. it’s all about the energy. and, you know, the wisdom – the wisdom you’re actually embracing. I’m delighted by that. the wisdom you’re embracing.
the human perspective has it that it’s outside. and then it’s never satisfying, never yours. but what’s happening right now, I’m proud to say, is that you’re now understanding that it’s all on the inside, and you become in sync with your own energy. it’s an energy compatibility. it’s an energy flow. it’s a grace with energy. it’s like it’s just all there for you. I call it “ENSYNCH,”
ENSYNCH starts occurring, it’s this natural harmony with you and your energy. it’s a harmony realizing it’s just flowing and it’s all there to serve you. and you don’t have to work for it. you don’t owe it anything. you don’t even have to behave in a certain way. it’s all there. it’s all yours. ENSYNCH with your energy.
life is pretty magnificent, and you realize it was just a matter of getting ENSYNCH.
the human perspective has it that it’s outside. and then it’s never satisfying, never yours. but what’s happening right now, I’m proud to say, is that you’re now understanding that it’s all on the inside, and you become in sync with your own energy. it’s an energy compatibility. it’s an energy flow. it’s a grace with energy. it’s like it’s just all there for you. I call it “ENSYNCH,”
ENSYNCH starts occurring, it’s this natural harmony with you and your energy. it’s a harmony realizing it’s just flowing and it’s all there to serve you. and you don’t have to work for it. you don’t owe it anything. you don’t even have to behave in a certain way. it’s all there. it’s all yours. ENSYNCH with your energy.
life is pretty magnificent, and you realize it was just a matter of getting ENSYNCH.
then you get a big smile on your face, you take a big deep breath and, “I am ENSYNCH. I don’t even have to think about it because the energies naturally are in sync. I don’t have to tell them what to do because they’re naturally in sync, because it’s all mine.” and then all these synchronicities start happening so they’re no longer occasional or unusual or unexpected. they’re just part of every day. synchronicities.'
MERLIN IAM series 7 - april 3 - 2021
it is time - merabh
'there’s so much more out there, and you know it.you already know. it’s time right now that individually and then as a group and then eventually as a planet that we go into the new realms, that we go into what I’ve often called the atlantean dream. > on one hand, it sounds very difficult. we’re basically going to change the physics of everything that’s ever been known. it sounds a bit challenging. but on the other hand, it can be a very, very easy step. you may worry and wonder are you just going crazy? but as I’ve said before, what is crazy? is crazy staying in the same house lifetime after lifetime with the same rooms and the same windows and the same food in the refrigerator and the same everything, the same day, day after day after day. is that sane?
then what’s crazy? going for what you know is there, but perhaps you’ve come to doubt it? going for what lies on the other side of the rainbow while everybody on this side of the rainbow says, “don’t do it. you’re nuts. you’re crazy. there’s nothing over the rainbow. it’s just a rainbow.”
let’s go for it – fantasy, magic, ease and grace, and regular everyday human life as well – because there are some very beautiful things about it. let’s do both of it.'
MERLIN IAM series 6 - march 6 - 2021
the scepter
I want you to imagine a scepter
merlin holds a scepter. it’s usually got a ball on the top, maybe a crystal and etched into the crystal that circumpunct, you know, with the circle and the dot in the middle, and four rays coming out representing energy. so, imagine your scepter, whatever you want it to look like and, yes, it can change. it can change every moment, every day, if you want it to.
that scepter is a symbol, it’s a reminder of all that you are
of transporting you deep into your energy where you can behold all of the answers
for yourself, NOT for others.
for yourself, NOT for others.
when there are times of confusion
or uncertainty or unknowingness, when you simply feel that things are beyond you as you’re going now into the ÆND times, going beyond duality as a basis for reality and you come to that uncertain moment where there’s trepidation and even perhaps anxiety and fear,
you take a deep breath and you simply hold that scepter.
merabh - you already know
let’s take a good deep breath and do this with a merabh.
“I don’t know” is toxic
you already know. that’s why it’s offensive when you say things like “I don’t know,” because then that’s what your reality becomes. instead of that “I don’t know,” you do know, and you know better than anyone else. I know better. I know better than to say, “I don’t know.” I know better than anyone else what’s good for me. I know better than to just collect data points and try to make a decision based on that. data points are interesting and they’re fine in some cases, but that’s not what opens the heart and brings love and fulfillment.
let’s bypass the traditional way of making choice and decision,
the traditional way of understanding reality.
let’s go into super sensory
and I’m not even going to explain what it is. just take a hold of that scepter. it’ll bring you there. I know it will. that’s a guarantee that it will. for you, for your heart, for your wellbeing as you stay here on this planet, there’s a whole new way of perceiving reality, of going into your potentials, of finding true answers. that’s where we’re going and it’s not scary.
hold on to that scepter
and let it take you to the fields of your potential. those fields, they seem to go on and on. beautiful, beautiful fields of potentials, just kind of like strawberry fields.
and the one berry, the one fruit that is truly your heart’s passion, that’ll come forward, and it’ll be so obvious, above and beyond all the others.
stop thinking so much. stop saying “I don’t know.”
so, dear shaumbra, let’s take a deep breath. remember that, in spite of the sadness and the craziness on the planet, ultimately all is well in all creation. thank you, dear shaumbra (blows kiss).
happy valentine’s month. open the heart.
MERLIN IAM series 5 - february 6 - 2021
merabh 1 - why you are here
'when you remember why you’re really here, how this all ties in,
you’re going to love yourself;
you’re going to see yourself in a whole different way and
you’re going to love yourself for what you’ve been through.
you’re going to love yourself;
you’re going to see yourself in a whole different way and
you’re going to love yourself for what you’ve been through.
it started a long time ago. I told you I time traveled all the way back to the temples of tien. I time traveled to the time of yeshua. that was tough. that was tough. you know, what you were holding back at the time of yeshua were the real secrets, the real mysteries.
you could say it was almost like you were holding the chalice glass, the chalice cup that was the real truth. it had come up from the essenes. they carried it for a long time. the essenes carried it literally all the way from atlantis. I’m talking about in a time travel perspective. they’d carried that. the essenes, they came up in the area you now know as egypt, the land of the pyramids. they came up from underground. the initial churches, christian church in particular, still carried on the tradition of the essenes and yeshua. it was only after about your 380 a.d. that it started to get highly distorted, twisted.
you can’t go out and teach it. no. you can only wait for them to come to you. and when they do, then you can show them, ultimately, what’s in this chalice.
that divine formula was carried through by the knights templar. oh, it wasn’t just about knights protecting the pilgrims going to israel. they did that, but there was a reason they did that. it all had to do with that sacred chalice within. the knights preserving the purity of the messages, of why you’re here, why you would go through all these lifetimes, all this hardship; why you at times would find it almost unbearable, but yet you made it.'
'you chose so very, very, very, very long ago to be here at this time. not to go to oneness, but to go to the AND, to the many. the true desire of divinity is to be all that is. “I AM THAT I AM.” that’s what happens now. it was known back, even back in the times of the temples of tien that there would come a time when a group on earth did this, quietly, very personal and deep experiences – not a communal experience; very personal experiences – but there would be a group who went through this that was here to allow that divinity to come in, and now is the time. we enter into 2021. we’ve gone through the shifts. look at all, everything that came right before this for you – the closing of the orders, the closing of the angelic families, everything that’s happened, the changes that have taken place on earth and now it’s time, and that’s why you’re here. you’re not doing it for the planet but look at what will happen. you’re doing it for you. but as your radiance goes out of duality into the AND, feel how that just shines upon the earth. that’s why you’re here. you’re here right now so we can put duality behind us. I mean, it’ll still be there when you want to play with it,
but we open to the AND.'
merabh 2 - welcome back
a lot left along the way
'let’s go back and let them know, because they’ve always been family. they’ve always been part of this. even when they’ve wandered off, even when they’ve left in anger, let’s let them know we’re here. let’s let them know they’re welcomed back. no judgments, no lectures, only smiles and hugs. oh, there are so many of them out there. you know, actually, in a way, they’ve been wanting this for a long time. they’ve been wanting to know it’s time to come back. they just wanted to know that you made it, that it’s real, and that we’re ready now for the physics of this planet and really the whole physical cosmos and beyond that, to go beyond duality. how does that happen? well, it’s when divinity is truly integrated. let’s take a deep breath and
welcome back
I say to each and every one of you coming back, we’ve all gotten distracted, including me. we’ve all been arrogant at times, especially me. we’ve all been in extreme self-doubt. welcome back you essenes, you knights, you priests and nuns. welcome back you lone birds. welcome back you philosophers and you thinkers. welcome back to this group you once knew as sha-hom-ba-rah. we’re here today.
'it’s the year 2021, and we’re going to go beyond duality.
we’re going to see what that experience is all about.
we’re going to do it within ourselves and then
we’re going to allow that radiance to go out
as a grand potential to all of creation.
let’s take a good deep breath,
good deep breath. '
MERLIN IAM series 4 - january 9 - 2021
merabh of timelessness
'let’s take a deep breath. let’s have a merabh with all this. you don’t have to remember a damn thing. we’re going to bring it together in the beauty of the merabh.10 minutes without a word, because, you know, languages, limit and restrict the true energy. we’re going to work with you on reading or perceiving energy, the awareness of energy. we don’t need words to lock it in.
ten minutes of allowing this integration of the master’s life, the circular life, the fantasy, and then æterna, being timeless. that 10 minutes was about timeless and, you know, there was a lot going on, but you got to start to feel timelessness. it’s æterna. it’s ever. and then living in your experience, experiencing without all the fears and the facts and the memories and judgments. just “as is.” living as is. you go from really a linear life and then into the AND of circular. you can do both. you can certainly do both. not alternate one or the other, but you’re both. that is truly amazing and that’s why we’re here. that’s why we’re talking to the masters and the sooners on the planet.
with that, my dear friends, always a delight to be here with you.'
MERLIN IAM series 3 - december 5 - 2020
shine in - shine on
mp3 file updated with a smooth ending!
'take a good deep breath. you’ve chosen to stay on this planet to be a master, to experience now embodied realization, to experience your own energy. you’ve chosen to stay on the earth and to shine on for others, knowing that the planet could really use it right now. your consciousness shining out to the world, luminating for this world the new potentials that are available. with you shining on,
there’s a good chance they’re going to see other potentials.
there’s a good chance they’re going to see other potentials.
let’s first allow your own light to shine within yourself. let’s start with illuminating, with shining on the inside. in other words, let that light of your consciousness be upon you. on this day, let your light shine within. instead of having it out there, off there somewhere, let it be right here, shining within. feel your own radiance, your own consciousness. this is you. let that light shine within all of you, every part of you. this is what a master does before they go out shining their light to others on the outside. they take a few minutes to shine within. the master makes sure that they’re consciously aware of their own light continuing to shine within themselves, illuminating into their body, into their mind, into their senses, their experiences.
and now, together – individually but together – let’s shine on to the world. let’s shine on in this moment, feeling so bold, so fearless as to bring our light forward. let’s shine on to the world. the world is looking for a light right now, a light without an agenda, a light without rules, a light without suffering, a light of higher potentials. let’s do it right now. as masters now and realized beings, with you shaumbra, with us now, we can be here together, connected all around the globe, and now we can shine on to the world. without agenda, without trying to inflict change.so, for the first time together with this gathering of you, masters, for the first time let’s shine on to the world. no agenda. it is simply a beingness. as we shine on to the world right now, feel into the peacefulness. we are shining a light of consciousness, consciousness that’s been brought to the earth, not held in the heavens; brought to the earth by you, by realized masters.
this very thing, this light that shines within, it’s the very thing that then brings in the energy, creates a harmony with energy and brings you everything in your life. it brings you everything that you need or want in your life.
what’s happening to your energy right now?
well, it should be – how do you say – happy. it should be dancing in the light. because this is what you came here to do. there’s a new worthiness of receiving your energy.
there’s a huge sense of, well, you’d call it satisfaction, of “I’m doing what I came here to do. I’ve stayed in the body. I’m now shining my light. |
MERLIN IAM series 2 - november 7 - 2020
energy dynamics merabh
'look at the energy dynamics in everything – the environment, politics, relationships, your body. everything is your energy. everything. but up to now most of you really weren’t looking at that component. you looked at the practical part of it. you looked at the practical part. you looked at your bank account and you looked at it and you said, “oh, I have 927 dollars and 42 cents – or euros.” well, that’s the practical part. but look at the energy dynamic of your bank account. okay, it might be a little lacking, but look at the energy dynamic of why. why? well, because you’ve been giving it away to everybody else, because you haven’t considered yourself worthy. you feel into that energy dynamic of your bank account. instead of getting all frustrated and saying, “what can I do to make more money?”
feel into the dynamic and then allow the energy to change. allow it to serve you.realize you’re looking at the dynamic, “oh, pfft! boy, I just haven’t been letting it serve me, and now I’m going to.” that’s the energy dynamic. the amount in the bank, what bank it is, those are practical issues. those aren’t at the core. those aren’t where you effect change. you don’t look at your bottom line in your bank account and think that’s where change starts. no, it’s in the energy dynamic, your relationship with energy.
there’s an energy dynamic in everything. |
so, dear masters, dear merlins, we’re going to acknowledge the practicality of life in the physical, but we’re now going to be addressing the energetic dynamic. that’s where the change occurs. life as the merlin. it does, indeed, have some challenges. challenges of being amongst other people who are continuing to feed their addiction to drama and conflict.so, let’s take a deep breath, as we go into energy dynamics. it’s going to be core to this whole “merlin’s guide to embodied survival.” let’s take a good deep breath in the beauty of our first shoud here on the planet, first shoud in the MERLIN I AM series. and I hope you appreciate that I’m just going to be more and more direct. let’s just go from point a to point b, from imagination to manifestation easily without diddling around.'
MERLIN IAM series 1 - october 3 - 2020
highlights video >excerpt with adamus, merlin ambrosius and the beloved saint-germain