merabhs, dreamwalks, experiences
from the ALT series in mp3 format
with adamus saint-germain
please click on the title for the youtube video
merabh of receiving
'so, indeed, you have been waiting for this moment all of your lifetimes.
this moment where we transcend the old
hard suffering, fighting way of doing things.
not needed anymore.
and it’s receiving YOUR SELF.
it’s receiving the I AM,
it becomes a whole different way of living.
it becomes a whole different way of consciousness
embodied on this planet.
that’s what you’ve been working so hard at,
but now let’s stop the work
and just allow
this moment where we transcend the old
hard suffering, fighting way of doing things.
not needed anymore.
and it’s receiving YOUR SELF.
it’s receiving the I AM,
it becomes a whole different way of living.
it becomes a whole different way of consciousness
embodied on this planet.
that’s what you’ve been working so hard at,
but now let’s stop the work
and just allow
we’ve come to this epic point. some of you are going to break through, allow and receive. some of you are still going to struggle with it. but know that it’s going to come. know that we’re doing this together as a group of beings who have known each other for a long, long time.we’re going to reverse that old way of energy and light on this planet into receiving.
receive what? it’s you. it’s YOUR ENERGY it’s the very thing you’ve always truly wanted, to RECONNECT WITH YOUR SOUL now just let yourself receive. you don’t work at receiving. you don’t analyze it. you just allow it. that’s it. if you find yourself struggling or stressing with it or wondering if it’s working, just take a deep breath and receive.
it would be as if you were a musician. you wanted to really create a great piece, a great composition. but in the old way, you would have gone out and found the performers, the musicians that would have done the strings and the horns and percussion, all the different people needed in the orchestra. and you would have spent a lot of time trying to find the right people and rehearsing and practicing, trying to find a hall where you could do all this, contending with all the problems with somebody’s violin doesn’t work right and somebody got sick and … that’s the old way of doing things.
now you’re the conductor. now you just receive the orchestra. it seems kind of weird because you’re so used to doing it the other way, working hard for it. now you just receive, and suddenly without even having to plan or anything else, without having to do that, they just start showing up. with fine-tuned instruments they start showing up. they start showing up with their drums, with their keyboards, with their horns. they just start showing up, and it doesn’t even take any practicing. they find their seats. you find yourself in the role of the conductor and the creator.
and then the music starts. effortlessly, beautifully. you wonder is it possible to bypass all that hard work, all that planning and organization, all the having to tend to all the little details? is that really possible? are you even then considered a worthy composer and conductor if you don’t go through all that? once you start hearing that music playing, you realize this is the way to do it. let it come to you. you don’t have to work at it.
what is really happening is that you’re in harmony with your own soul.
everything just comes to you.
it’s just there
everything just comes to you.
it’s just there
what you’re doing here is certainly going to have implications on this life of yours, but you’re also going to find out it reaches far into your dreams. I’m going to be very curious in this “a thousand dreams”> work that olivia is doing, how it’s reflected in the dreams.
see, part of your dreams – your dreams, they work hard. oh! they’re just representations of you in the nonphysical realms working hard, struggling, battling, running, chasing. what happens when you stop all that and just receive? what happens in your dreams? what happens in your past lives? what if they too become part of this whole process of receiving? hint: they have to.'
ALT series 11 - august 5 - 2023
ALT series 11 - august 5 - 2023
B.reathe, A.llow, R.eceive & F.low – merabh
'okay, let’s go back to the basics. let’s do breathing now. let’s do good breathing. let’s now allow that light and energy to be present. breathe it in and allow that light. it’s sitting right there. it’s ready to go. it’s been sitting right there. it’s been idling, just waiting. so, you allow it. now that it’s right there, you receive it. you bring it in. you bring it in.ah! see? pretty simple. it’s so simple, it’s like sesame street enlightenment.
sesame street enlightenment. it’s really easy. take a deep breath to get you centered. then you allow this light, your light, your energy, your divinity, so it’s in your presence. and then you receive it. it flows into your body. it flows into your mind. it flows into your past, it flows into your future, and now you’ve got flow.
you breathe. you allow your light. you receive it into your reality, into your life. and then everything starts flowing. it just starts flowing, and you realize you don’t have to have this massive plan what to do with these things or how to change your life. it’s changing before your very eyes in a way that is divine. it’s just changing in spite of you in a way that’s divine.
it’s so simple. it’s breathe. it’s allow. it’s receive. and it’s flow. B.A.R.F.
barf. you know, it’s okay, because you’ll remember now.
you’ll remember. “what was that he said? oh, I’m supposed to barf.”
yes. let all the old stuff out and let your light in.
barf out all those old mental, tedious, burdensome, struggling, battling ways.
just barf it out. and then
you take a deep breath and you allow, receive and flow.
you’ll remember that, right? yes. good.'
barf. you know, it’s okay, because you’ll remember now.
you’ll remember. “what was that he said? oh, I’m supposed to barf.”
yes. let all the old stuff out and let your light in.
barf out all those old mental, tedious, burdensome, struggling, battling ways.
just barf it out. and then
you take a deep breath and you allow, receive and flow.
you’ll remember that, right? yes. good.'
ALT series 10 - july 1 - 2023
receive the light - merabh
'now, in this merabh, we’re going to let that light start coming in and filling what you would call the void, the darkness, the space. it’s your light. that space, that darkness is simply your energy – that’s it – just waiting. just waiting until now. it comes in very gracefully as not to overwhelm you, because if it just flooded in in a moment, it would cause a lot of overwhelm. so just assume that it’s coming in in its perfect way. that light starts coming in now and filling the space. it doesn’t rush in, not like suddenly opening the dam gates and it all comes flooding. and it doesn’t come from any one single direction. it doesn’t come from above or below. it’s like having a dimmer switch on a light. it just slowly starts illuminating that space. that’s what’s happening right now with the APOCALYPSE.
one word: receive. it goes back to what we’ve talked about for a while, but we’re going to start living it now. a master allows energy to serve them. a master, an embodied master, let’s their light flow into the darkness, and then serve them in a whole new way, a way that couldn’t have been done before. a master allows that light to flow into all those spaces, changing the very nature of reality. reality is a result of the difference in speeds of light, or probably better said, the speed or variable difference between dark and light. that’s what creates reality, and now you have the light filling the space. it changes everything. let’s take a good deep breath together and receive. bring it right into this reality.
let’s take a good deep breath into letting this light come and fill those spaces, those empty spaces. there never really was dark, was there? interesting that humans then turned dark into evil, into bad. got out their swords and started fighting it, really just slashing themselves. one of the greatest shifts in consciousness, in the paradigm on this planet, is going to be a new understanding of dark.
so, the challenge for everybody:
no more battles, no more obstacles,
no more tests unto yourself.
now let the light do the work.'
so, the challenge for everybody:
no more battles, no more obstacles,
no more tests unto yourself.
now let the light do the work.'
ALT series 9 - june 3 - 2023
merabh of self-fullness
'you’ve spent, oh, not just this lifetime, but many lifetimes in service. service to humanity.
and that service has been pure service of just being there to bring your light.
you agreed a long time ago to bring your light to this planet,
to bring consciousness,
and you’ve done that.
now it’s time to take care of yourself.
being self-full,
taking care of you.
I want you to watch the light dance in your life and all over the planet. you can’t if you’re obsessed with always taking care of others. I want you to watch how this light dances on the planet and starts to make a difference. you’re a master. you are a master, and it’s time right now for you to offer yourself a masterly life. it’s not selfish. you’re not taking energy from anybody else. you’re not depriving anybody else. you’re simply finally giving to yourself.
this is where you hang up the wings...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
let’s take a good deep breath, feeling the light of self, the very light that you’ve shined for others for so very long and feeling it in yourself right now. and letting it stay there, letting it light within you, letting it resonate within you. and again, this isn’t about being selfish or about you’re the most important thing in the world – which you are, by the way. this is about putting things back into a proper perspective after so very long of your light service. taking care of you. this is where you hang up the wings.
this is where you sit back in the chair, maybe feeling tired and exhausted, but hopefully with a sense of deep satisfaction saying, “now these final days, years, decades are for me. I love other people. I’ll never try to steal their energy. but I’ve got to do something for me now.” it’s the greatest gift you can give yourself.'
ALT series 8 - may 6 - 2023
listen to the master - merabh
'take a good deep breath here into you, the master, now. even avoiding words like “human” and all the other things, “soul” and “master,” it’s a single self as well. it is truly the I AM now. “I AM THAT I AM.” this very thing right here is what now lights up. it lights up. it starts to ignite all the other parts into its oneness.
I used the example before of the embers of a fire and you throw logs on it, nothing happens. you walk away and you come back later and suddenly this beautiful fire. it’s taking everything and bringing it into this oneness, the single sense, single being. it’s a transmutation that’s happening at some very, very deep levels. you were expecting so many human things from HEAVEN'S CROSS, but it starts here. it starts right with the master who has so much background and empathy for the human, and now no longer even lines between them. a single sense, a single beingness. feel into that for a moment.
this is you. this is the you that emerges in the APOCALYPSE. you can let go of all the noise in the mind and all the trying to figure this out and what’s supposed to happen and why didn’t something happen. you take a deep breath and come back into the true living master with the ability of single sense. this is what emerges from HEAVEN'S CROSS right here. it’s single and it’s simple. let’s take a deep breath together.'
ALT series 7 - april 1 - 2023
merabh of preparation
'let’s take a moment just for releasing, here on the eve of the APOCALYPSE, for releasing. don’t worry about specifically what you’re releasing. I feel some of you trying to go through the laundry list in your mind, that long, long list. don’t worry about it. just release. be willing to release right now all of that old stuff. anything that is not in harmony with your true light, that is still within your body or your mind, let it be released right now. give it unto your soul.it is the greatest thing you can do for yourself and all of your past lives in this moment.
“I release. I release all things that are not in light, that are not in harmony, that are not in joy in my life. I release. I give it to you, soul. I turn these things over to you. I know that you know what to do, because you’re my soul. I give these unto to you.”
and then wait. wait quietly and patiently.
you’ll start to feel that stream of light and divinity to come in, from march 22nd on, into your life. it’s everything you’ve ever experienced, ever done, all the things that your past lives have experienced and done, now coming back from the wisdom of the soul, now coming back to you as divinity.'
ALT series 6 - march 4 - 2023
being in the safe space - merabh
'let’s allow that to come forth right now. let’s take a deep breath. you’re safe space. you know, you’ve had all these aspects and this mind crap going on. there’s old memories, that head talk. you know, something’s been happening all this time. something’s been happening; it’s cleaning itself up, you know, because truly your own past lives, they’re coming into realization. they’re letting go of stuff. that’s the key to everything. letting go of the wounds and the old issues and the old fears. so you realize that, you know, the safe space has been in the making, and now it’s available right now. check it out. it’s getting pretty balanced. it’s not about what you’re doing in life right now. it’s not about activities. it’s not about any of that. it’s kind of just getting back in touch with that safe space.the safe space is there because you’re allowing yourself to connect once again to what you’d call your soul, and more than that – the soul’s wonderful – but the master. the master. as you radiate your light as a human on the planet, the master is radiating their light to you – just to you, only to you – and here is that safe space.'
in it together - merabh
'let’s take a good deep breath into the safe space. you know, if you imagine this beautiful thing that the ascended masters and myself are observing, here we are all approaching this apocalypse. it kind of reminds me at times of tobias’ story of the JOURNEY OF THE ANGELS, hopping on that little boat, leaving the comfort of home, and going off across the waters and then coming to this time of the WALL OF FIRE fire. it was epic. it changed everything, of course. and for some reason, there’s kind of a hint of that in here. you know, we’ve been on this journey. you’ve been on it for a long time. we’ve been on it together since I came in 2009, and now we’re coming closer and closer on our pirate boat.
it’s kind of like the
but this wall of fire doesn’t break us, fragment us into billions and billions of pieces.
this one’s different.
it’s actually almost a reverse wall of fire.
it brings us back together.
but this wall of fire doesn’t break us, fragment us into billions and billions of pieces.
this one’s different.
it’s actually almost a reverse wall of fire.
it brings us back together.
brings you back together, where you’re no longer sealed off with a veil over you, not accessing the other realms. you could say maybe it’s the other side of the wall of fire where you all come back together after being so shattered and isolated.
as we get closer and closer, the anxiety builds. the old grounding ways, the old ways of staying connected don’t work. but we’re able to sit here like this today and laugh and have fun and explore some relatively deep topics, as we did today, and to take a deep breath and to feel safe. for all of you, it’s time to answer that within yourself right now. are you worthy of this thing that happens in 45 days?
“am I worthy of this?” and the answer is absolutely, yes.'
ALT series 5 - february 4 - 2023
your story - merabh
“here we are with the story that you always dreamt about but could never really be fully aware of it; the story you always really wanted, but you could never express; the story that you struggled to find, but you just thought too much about it. we’re here now for that story. and, by the way, when it happens, as it happens, you look out at all the other stories of the soul, the soul since times long before earth; you look back on those and those all are also changing right now. “it’s not just you. there’s a transformation taking place at every level. there has to be a you on the planet right now in order for that to occur. we can’t do it from what you would call the future, from the nonphysical realms. there has to be the ‘you’ on the planet for all the others, all the stories and all the dreams to also transform. otherwise, we would have done a long time ago. there has to be ‘you’ in reality as the manifestation of these waveforms and potentials. it’s got to be here, and you’re it. and I know it’s taken me a while to get here, but you’ll understand why.
“right now,” says this angel from the future, “right now, let’s change that story.
feel it. you don’t have to think it. you don’t have to write it out. just feel the story.
and the angel says, “oh, by the way – gosh, I come from the future, I forgot – what’s the date today?”
you stop and think about it,
“oh, I guess it’s march 22, 2023.”
and you both have a good laugh, a good, long laugh
“right now,” says this angel from the future, “right now, let’s change that story.
feel it. you don’t have to think it. you don’t have to write it out. just feel the story.
and the angel says, “oh, by the way – gosh, I come from the future, I forgot – what’s the date today?”
you stop and think about it,
“oh, I guess it’s march 22, 2023.”
and you both have a good laugh, a good, long laugh
it’s when the heavens cross, when there’s that opening for those who are ready, when consciousness can flow, when you can access all of your stories. you’ll understand why that future self waited until march 22nd, but you’ll both have a good laugh knowing, “okay, it’s here. my stories are very changeable, even this lifetime.” not just in maybe having a little different attitude about what happened, but they literally change. it defies any sort of physics that are around at the time, but it literally changes. yes, the story that you went through in this lifetime and all of your others, that storyline is still there, but it kind of drops down, replaced by a much more enlightened storyline, a much more enlightened experience.
these things are not just of dreams and hopes. these things are, well, they’re your stories and they’re very changeable. what do you want in 2023 and beyond?
and I guess the other question is are you ready to have your story change?.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
these things are not just of dreams and hopes. these things are, well, they’re your stories and they’re very changeable. what do you want in 2023 and beyond?
and I guess the other question is are you ready to have your story change?.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
of all the ascended masters, there are very, very few that ever experienced what it’s like to still be in the physical body and have the stories, all the stories, change. not many. most, you know, they have that instant flash shortly between enlightenment and death, that instant flash. suddenly, everything comes together. everything is in harmony and in oneness – oneness within one’s self, not a universal oneness – they suddenly have that knowingness. all the stories change in a flash.but there are very few.
let’s take a good, deep breath together. the beauty of what you’re doing. sometimes I just go back to the ascended masters club and just chuckle thinking, “they really don’t quite see it yet. they don’t know what they’re doing. maybe that’s a good thing. maybe one day it’ll be like opening a christmas present and a big surprise when you finally get it all. they just don’t know really quite what they’re doing. they don’t understand the impact of their light on the planet at this time. they don’t understand that others haven’t done this” – literally changing what you would call the past and the future on the fly while you’re in this human life. wow!
ALT series 4 - january 7 - 2023
merabh of wisdom
what’s happening right now, and happened to sam, is there is a grieving that takes place. he grieved for kelli; you’re grieving for yourself, for all the painful experiences in all the lifetimes. you’re grieving for your own deaths. you’re grieving that part of you that’s saying, “why? why didn’t I get it before?” you’re grieving the part that knows that you could have truly, literally ascended several lifetimes ago, but you didn’t. you’re thinking, “maybe I should have.” but remember, you chose to stay. what’s happening right now is in every part of you.
you’re being asked to or forced
ALT series 3 - december 17 - 2022
master's continuing education - merabh
the true master never stops learning. even an ascended master never stops learning. there’s always new depths and new levels. there’s a misperception that once you become a master, you know everything, there’s nothing more to learn. it’s really not true at all. you’re just beginning now to learn, because you understand the palette of colors that you have in your energy pattern of life. you’re beginning to understand how when you mix them together, they create total new colors that you might have never seen before.
you continue to learn, but you learn more now about just THE BEAUTY OF NATURE. it’s not a lesson. it’s not because you’ve been wrong. you just now unfold more of its beauty. you learn more about HUMAN NATURE, and not as a corrective action, not because you’ve had the wrong concepts and not because you never didn’t know. but you learn now with the understandings of energy and, well, the whole reasons why you’re here in the first place. you begin learning so many more beautiful things about human nature.
you’re learning about THE DEPTHS OF YOURSELF, YOUR OWN SOUL, that even your soul didn’t know. it just didn’t know, because you hadn’t gone there yet. you’re learning about THE BEAUTY OF THE I AM. not just as an idea, a mental concept, but as a living thing. you’re learning about BEING TIMELESS IN A TIMELESS REALITY. you’re learning about THE TRUE BEAUTY OF EVERTHING YOU'VE EVER DONE. you learn THAT LIFE IN BIOLOGY IS SO PRECIOUS, so valuable. there’s nothing like it. nothing at all to be compared with being able to live on the planet as a human, but now especially as a master. you can learn about THE SACREDNESS OF THIS WHOLE PLANET, OF ALL YOUR LIFETIMES. in other words, everything starts opening within you now. maybe you call it discovery. you learn that this whole thing now that I’ve labeled NEUTROTUNITIS IS JUST A PROCESS that you’re going through right now with intensity of your own journey, HEAVEN'S CROSS, and wanting to do this full-on. you’re learning that it’s actually A THING OF BEAUTY.
not in the way of just trying to get through the day, the struggles and the challenges.
not in the way of just trying to get through the day, the struggles and the challenges.
so, indeed, even as a master you continue learning. not in the old way though; in a VERY NEW and a very BEAUTIFUL and a very GRACEFUL way. the learning now is constantly bringing it to WISDOM, and then that wisdom comes back. you’re learning in JOY, rather than sorrow or suffering. you’re learning now with an UNDERSTANDING OF ENERGY AND CONSCIOUSNESS, not just mental activity. it’s so much more FULFILLING, EXCITING, not lessons anymore. it’s not about what you did wrong. now it’s about what more can become. we’re going to be learning a lot together, particularly these next four and a half months. you’ll be learning a lot more about yourself.
so take this moment, take a good deep breath in this moment,
and allow yourself to learn now as a master,
in a very new and a very beautiful and a very graceful way.
ALT series 2 - november 5 - 2022
gentle returning - merabh
oh, for so very long the mind has been in charge, and, you know, let’s never look at that as a bad thing, because it gave you a hell of an experience on this planet. your experiences in this human body, as painful as it is at times, and in the human mind, as restricted as it was for so very, very long, it allowed you to embody within yourself. that doesn’t mean physical or mental.it means to bring yourself together. to be able to actually be conscious of your consciousness, to actually be mindful of your self, and actually have sensory and sensual feelings that could only come from being in the physical form. your mind understood that when it did its survey of itself, the mind mapping itself. what comes next? that’s what we’re going to be experiencing, talking about, going through in keahak and here in the shouds. the mind – the mind, it’s relaxing now.
and the word, the biggest word I’d use to describe it is just a gentleness returning, but there’s so much more happening. but a gentleness. there’s nothing to be afraid of. not that you were, but the mind was. nothing to be afraid of, nothing to hold back on. [the pets] they’ve had this ability to have this opening, to be in the other realms and here all at the same time. and then, as you will learn to do, just like a dog, you’ll learn that you no longer differentiate between this realm and another.
let’s take a deep breath and feel into this beautiful story, beautiful picture that’s taking place right now. I ask you now just to feel and observe what’s going on now, as the mind does its shift, opens the doorways. it affects the body, yes. it also will affect the body, because the mind has controlled the body. it also limited the light body integration into the physical.step back and feel.
this is where we’re going, and it’s a monumental shift. and ultimately, it has other implications that I, as st. germain, talked about in the 'dream of the merlin' (last session), HEAVEN'S CROSS. as you are opening into the other realms right now within your personal life – realms that have answers that are there instantly, realms that have more potentials, more creativity right there, right here – it’s now beginning to open the dimensional doorways, what we call heaven’s cross. other humans won’t be aware of it for a while, but it’s a direct result of what we’re doing here, access for this planet and for humanity, into what lies beyond.
there’s going to be times when it feels very wobbly, times when you want to ask the mind to step back in and manage things, times when it seems confusing, because now you’re in alt reality – you’re mental and nonmental – but understand that this is all a natural process. we’ll continue talking about it in our shouds in this series, so to make this transition as gentle as possible, as easy as possible. but for now, just take a deep breath and allow. it was never possible to get beyond the mind from within the mind. it took the mind having to take a look at itself and say, “it’s time for me to step back.”
let’s take a good deep breath here in shoud 1 of the alt series. and, yes, in answer to the question that some of you have – not in your minds, but in your true self – when you go out there right now, when we’re multidimensional and you’re in this flow, there is this thing called NEW ENERGY >. new energy. and that’s one of the things we’ll start bringing back, new energy. we have a long way to go, but I just wanted to give you a heads up. with that, it is always a delight to be here with each and every one of you. and as we’re getting into this whole new phase of the work, remember that all is well in all of creation. thank you.
what we're doing here right now in this merabh you can do any time.
it's an allowing is what it is.
it's acknowledging and understanding the mind has stepped aside
and now the divinity, the master that you've always been, it takes the throne.
ALT series 1 - october 1 - 2022