for more, please click on the pic ...................................................................................... and welcome to my blog 2023!.....................................................................................................................................................
it‘s the last 22/22 day of the year********************************* and merry X-mas time is here with familiar melodies like this song that you might want to sing along to the music with my special text in celebration of what comes next!
********************************************************* the SECOND ADVENT month of the SECOND COMING >and it’s certainly good to remember what’s happening now in preparation of that event (cf. the last ALT shoud 3) ********************************************************* 'it’s very, very intense right now, and it’s one of the things I wanted to talk about today, we’ll be talking about in our upcoming sessions, the super intensity. what’s happening right now is you’re preparing for it energetically and in every way as the human. yes, a lot of anxiety right now. a lot of tension. the energies that are coming in right now into your personal life – forget about the planet – are so intense right now, and so much readjusting and reorienting and cleaning up and getting ready for. but it’s time now that each and every one of you lived the dream, brought it here. not having it up there somewhere. that’s what’s happening. it’s going to be challenging, and that’s why there are so many in the other realms who are gathered around. that’s why SAM left. SAM could have hung around earth for a long time, but he knows the importance of what’s happening right now. somebody has to be the balance in the other realms – on all the floors that you get off on, but particularly soul level – to make sure that you’re balanced when you get there and make sure it doesn’t fry you to a crisp, it doesn’t absolutely burn you out, that you’re able to have human and divine meet |
read more about the SECOND COMING in this cloud class excerpt:
„so we have CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS coming into play […] your CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS that was seeded over 2’000 years on this planet. […] every time you shine your light, you are adding your CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS into that cauldron of hopelessness and conflict, and something has got to change. with the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS the change is what you would call evolutionary, revolutionary and moving to higher levels of consciousness, rather than a complete breakdown, apocalyptic breakdown of the system. […]
you could say that
it‘s the NEW CHRIST on earth.
it‘s the NEW CHRIST on earth.
and I‘m not talking here about yeshua or jesus h.christ, I‘m talking about CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. first of all his name wasn‘t jesus, it was yeshua. secondly they didn‘t come up with the ‚christ‘ thing until probably 300 years later. the gnostics, the essenes talked about yeshua having the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS, but he wasn‘t called jesus christ. | so right now it really is THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS to the planet and it opens the doorways, the corridors now for everyone to get in touch with the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS within them. […] it wakes up the CHRIST that‘s already within them. CHRIST meaning CHRISTOS, meaning CHRYSTAL, meaning CLEAR, and CLEAR in terms of remembering who you are, […] remembering your divine origins.“ |
so what about introducing this 22/22 day of november in the shaumbra calendar as the first month of the NEW ADVENT, followed by the 22 days of december, january, february…..? BIG SMILE.
this 22/22 day is also a keahak > day
with the 8th (or 4+4th :-) session of keahak XII, where now, as well as in the shouds, it‘s all about the project of HEAVEN‘S CROSS. it was introduced in the last merlin event. (see the video min. 8.37) and also in the last monthly shaumbra meeting with the shoud 1 of the ALT series.
| 'HEAVEN'S CROSS. as you are opening into the other realms right now within your personal life – realms that have answers that are there instantly, realms that have more potentials, more creativity right there, right here – |
it’s now beginning to open the dimensional doorways, what we call HEAVEN'S CROSS. other humans won’t be aware of it for a while, but it’s a direct result of what we’re doing here, access for this planet and for humanity, into what lies beyond. HEAVEN'S CROSS has to open because of all the mental imbalance and hopelessness on the planet. but in the next six months there are many things that have to shift, to align, to change, to transform, to evolve, all these things that are taking place to bring about this opening of HEAVEN'S CROSS. don‘t be hopeless! have an understanding of why it‘s happening. it‘s time now to break through that cocoon of humanity, to access the other realms, to let the divinity come here, that‘s what it‘s all about.'
22/22 and the luxury of self-doubt
sneaky it comes creeping with its iron rod, scared human yammers, „OMG, OMG! this luxury no longer should come my way, I‘m such a failure, I‘m not okay!“ and frozen it‘s sitting in its own trap, while doubt is gloating, hee, hee, what great crap!“ yet closer and closer and now very near, a majestic voice says: „I AM HERE!“ in the light of its truth coming up from the core the master commands:“NO WAY! NO MORE!“ and the human looking around, „oh my! where is it gone now, my spooky doubt?! „the answer is simple: it‘s put to rout, and, my dear human, you know why.“ |
it’s 22(2222)22 day
I’m still so full of the beautiful grand KASAMA online event > from the last week-end that I‘m really glad that it simply came to me spontaneously, effortlessly, the content for this special double 22/22 day. yet this time it didn't strike me ‚out of the blue‘ like the content of my last post > because the other day I happened to re-read an old blogpost (‚incidentally‘ from december 22 (!) 2019) that had shown up in my memory when I was composing the answer to an email‚ and I had to acknowledge, admiring myself: „wow, that was really good! and even perfect for my next 22/22 blogpost.“ BIG SMILE.
a master story
recently a poisoned arrow from out of the blue touched my vulnerable heart left without ARMOR. but it couldn’t really do any harm, because ARMOR‘s freed R had brought forth a beautiful rosegarden with a prodigious abundance of RED ROSES,
the noxious arrow was transformed into AMOR‘s dart (cupido's dart), and while the ambrosial fragrance of the roses was perfuming my ROMANCE WITH SELF, the jingles of my WISDOM‘s LAUGHTER about that nasty and silly attack shook up all the stuck energy, which is now dancing through my felicitous energy flow in pure light and harmony.
and yes, yes, that oldie is of course a must here >
as much as my own 'oldie', i.e. my first slide show experiment 'bed of roses' from ten years ago >
faithful and famous
oh yes, my dear multifaceted friend snoopy >, we are faithful to the end of this 2022 year, by writing a blogpost every 22nd day of the month. ah, and you think that the title of this month is just because of your presence here. well, yes, of course, but that's only one reason, there is more. nononono, don't be disappointed, au contraire! |
besides many other difficulties that our planet has to deal with - and we know why, see for instance the last prognost update > - its northern hemisphere presently goes through a period of extreme heat records specially now during the so called 'DOG DAYS'. have a look at what the wikipedia excerpts say about what's happening in the CANIS SNOOP... , uh, I mean in the CANIS MAJOR star constellation containing SIRIUS, the BRIGHTEST STAR in the night sky, known as the 'DOG STAR'.
"in greek mythology, CANIS MAJOR represented the dog laelaps, a gift from zeus to europa; or sometimes the hound of procris, diana's nymph; or the one given by aurora to cephalus, so famed for its speed that zeus elevated it to the sky."
“the DOG DAYS are the hot, sultry days of summer. they were historically the period following the heliacal rising of the star system SIRIUS which hellenistic astrology connected with heat, drought, sudden thunderstorms, lethargy, fever, mad dogs, and bad luck. they are now taken to be the hottest, most uncomfortable part of summer in the northern hemisphere." |
what has firebird to do
together we soar
and explore
and please click on the pic |
so you went dancing into your light and beauty,
my dear friend! >
ten years ago we connected through your joyful picture of a red poppy attracting my attention in the house of keahak II .
and now, after the months of your sudden silence and my vain attempts to somehow break it, I finally know that a few weeks ago, you allowed for yourself the transformation that you so beautifully describe in your poem below.
photolyrics >
with tears in my eyes and a tender smile on my face I thank you for the many years of sharing online our humor, friendship and loving support .
aloha oe! my dear friend,
one fond embrace until we meet again.
another 22 day
all my few blog posts of this year 22 have been on or about the day 22 of the month. starting with "prognost 22" of january 22, then the "two's day" in february and so on. so why not continue with that pattern started by adamus himself, even if maybe today is not a very special day. but wait, after all it's a sunday and already on this early morning I did another great DIY performance in my new apartment by finally fixing a curtain with more or less ease and grace :-D. and of course, 4 (22) and 44 (22/22) are special numbers anyway. so this is also a great occasion to point out my great walk with companion number 4 on december 22, 4th of advent 2019 >>>> !
yes, I use many times the qualification 'great' because it is really high time that I truly acknowledge the grandness of what I'm doing with my shaumbra friends and others in this epic time on the planet.
and we all know that this is certainly not about fixing curtains, falling into patterns or writing more or less funny blog posts....
yes, I use many times the qualification 'great' because it is really high time that I truly acknowledge the grandness of what I'm doing with my shaumbra friends and others in this epic time on the planet.
and we all know that this is certainly not about fixing curtains, falling into patterns or writing more or less funny blog posts....
more about patterns and un-patterns
some days after posting the above content I happened to listen again to the master‘s pause 'I AM comfort'> with its clarity about patterns:
there are the 'handy patterns' when we are dealing with the fundamentals of life.
'you know, as you come into your full realization, as you stay here on the planet, you really don’t want to get overly patterned. I mean, it’s nice to have some things in your life that are reliable, that you know they’re going to work a certain way. but those are the rudimentary things where the energy just takes care of you. you don’t really have to worry about it, it’s all just there at the right time and the right place.'
and there is the unpatterned chaos:
'chaos is actually a wonderful thing. it’s only the human perception of chaos that’s kind of skewed and then makes it very uncomfortable. chaos simply means unpredictable.
I ask you to feel into the joy and the spontaneity and the creativity of not having to be in those defined patterns, of being in chaos, the unpredictable, because in the unpredictable, that’s when the dreams become reality. in the unpredictable, things that your mind could have never fashioned or thought, that’s when they happen. that’s the magic. magic doesn’t occur within predictability at all. then it wouldn’t be magic. then it’s just normal life.
magic occurs in the unpredictable. unpredictability simply means greater, more sensual experience. and the master always knows that because the energies are serving the master – they are the master’s energy – how could anything not be perfect, divine with an unpredictable outcome, but an outcome that goes far beyond what the human could have ever tried to structure. in other words, wide open. the master lives in a state of grace and trust. the master knows it’s his or her energy. the master knows that the master doesn’t want predictability; the master wants an open canvas.'
I ask you to feel into the joy and the spontaneity and the creativity of not having to be in those defined patterns, of being in chaos, the unpredictable, because in the unpredictable, that’s when the dreams become reality. in the unpredictable, things that your mind could have never fashioned or thought, that’s when they happen. that’s the magic. magic doesn’t occur within predictability at all. then it wouldn’t be magic. then it’s just normal life.
magic occurs in the unpredictable. unpredictability simply means greater, more sensual experience. and the master always knows that because the energies are serving the master – they are the master’s energy – how could anything not be perfect, divine with an unpredictable outcome, but an outcome that goes far beyond what the human could have ever tried to structure. in other words, wide open. the master lives in a state of grace and trust. the master knows it’s his or her energy. the master knows that the master doesn’t want predictability; the master wants an open canvas.'
and what about the 22/22 pattern?
it's a great reminder of our mastery!
today 4/22/22
suono's got her piano
big smile, oh!
it‘s white. no no, not because of udo jürgens ;-). it‘s white because of the overall design of my new apartment. but yes, MERCI CHÉRIE, merci to me for that cool gift, filling the whole room with its magical presence, with lots of memories and lots of potentials to choose from.
two nights ago, when startled by a sudden panic attack and slowly recovering from my sweat bath with old painful emotions of failure and "not okays", I conjured the merabh "beyond the lie of darkness" and was drawn to my merabh page of the wonderful shoud series
while reading and scrolling through it, I could easily walk on "into the bright light of the I AM", and finally relax in its comforting embrace.
another timely message from adamus
it seems to be no coincidence that this morning I got news from crimson circle about the latest most timely free message from adamus featuring
the ‚tipping point for global power‘
(mp3 and pdf > )
(mp3 and pdf > )
and how appropriate regarding the main topic of this post: on the bottom of the merabh page that I mentioned above, there is another reminder about power- from february 2014.
‚living a powerless life is a beautiful gift to yourself. you don’t need it. there is no power in consciousness, not whatsoever. the only thing in consciousness is the awareness – “I EXIST.” there is no power in energy at all. energy is just something that’s here to serve you. it’s compressed consciousness. it’s yours. it’s there to create whatever realities you’re choosing to create. the hardest part is going to be you’re still in this realm. it’d be different if you were off in your own sovereign domain somewhere. but then if you were, you’d be dead. so you’re going to be … one of the challenges is you’re going to see power and mind all around you, and you’ll even remember when you used it. it’s not like it’s going to vanish or evaporate. it’s simply not going to be a factor anymore.' | indeed, "one of the challenges is you’re going to see power and mind all around you, and you’ll even remember when you used it. it’s not like it’s going to vanish or evaporate. it’s simply not going to be a factor anymore." |
but the reason why we are here at this time,
the bright light of our I AM….
but the reason why we are here at this time,
the bright light of our I AM….
and it's certainly no coincidence either, that some days later, there was another lightful product available in the crimson circle store >.
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| on this tuesday, as I am benching with shaumbra from all over the planet, my light shines forth with a gentle, caressing, tender smile. |
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