starting with a digression
right now, as christmas is approaching, it’s also advent calendars time, and when I was visiting an online bookstore for a present, I was surprised by the huge number of choices you have.
it’s very easy to find anything for any possible gusto, from traditional calendars to fan & fun or sex & crime calendars.
it’s very easy to find anything for any possible gusto, from traditional calendars to fan & fun or sex & crime calendars.
a few years ago I created myself two online ‚advent.ure’ shaumbra calendars, a CRYSTALLINE > and a GOLDEN one >, but last year I dismissed my ‚puppetry‘ advent.ure project (inspired by my old punch puppets that I had brought along in my treasures bag when moving to the italian speaking part of switzerland,) and this year the ‚tree stories‘ project suffered the same fate, even if I started 2022 on this ‚honeyflow website’ with my homage to a very special tree, including a very special story > yet my ‚excuse’ for that lack of manifestation passion is CRYSTAL CLEAR. it would have simply been carrying coals to newcastle, by adding some more of the mass consciousness reflecting calendars.
now you might ask why in the first place the advent subject here on this 22/22 day of november?
a new advent
it‘s because
adamus will host a free worldwide shaumbra gathering
to celebrate the literal
when I read this in the cc description of the preparing cloud class >, and above all when I saw that adamus was referring to the SECOND COMING, I was deeply moved.
„isn‘t this the TRUE ADVENT?“ I enthusiastically wrote to a keahak friend who was already in the traditional advent wreaths preparation mode, „nearly unimaginable, incredibly beautiful, light and lightful in this most difficult time of change on our planet."
„isn‘t this the TRUE ADVENT?“ I enthusiastically wrote to a keahak friend who was already in the traditional advent wreaths preparation mode, „nearly unimaginable, incredibly beautiful, light and lightful in this most difficult time of change on our planet."
read more about the SECOND COMING in this cloud class excerpt:
„so we have CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS coming into play […] your CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS that was seeded over 2’000 years on this planet. […] every time you shine your light, you are adding your CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS into that cauldron of hopelessness and conflict, and something has got to change. with the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS the change is what you would call evolutionary, revolutionary and moving to higher levels of consciousness, rather than a complete breakdown, apocalyptic breakdown of the system. […]
you could say that
it‘s the NEW CHRIST on earth.
it‘s the NEW CHRIST on earth.
and I‘m not talking here about yeshua or jesus h.christ, I‘m talking about CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. first of all his name wasn‘t jesus, it was yeshua. secondly they didn‘t come up with the ‚christ‘ thing until probably 300 years later. the gnostics, the essenes talked about yeshua having the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS, but he wasn‘t called jesus christ. | so right now it really is THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS to the planet and it opens the doorways, the corridors now for everyone to get in touch with the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS within them. […] it wakes up the CHRIST that‘s already within them. CHRIST meaning CHRISTOS, meaning CHRYSTAL, meaning CLEAR, and CLEAR in terms of remembering who you are, […] remembering your divine origins.“ |
so what about introducing this 22/22 day of november in the shaumbra calendar as the first month of the NEW ADVENT, followed by the 22 days of december, january, february…..? BIG SMILE.