april 4th 2020
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when walking with my companion number 4 last december >
little did I know what historic and touching event was lying ahead of us
little did I know what historic and touching event was lying ahead of us
the message to the angelic families
'the angelic families have been gathering now for weeks,
as the call went out to come back home, for the message.
the message started playing yesterday, like a tone that went out, a single tone that went out, a single resonance that went out all over the cosmos, “it’s time to ungroup. it’s time to disband. the order of the arc is closed. our work as angelic families is done.”
and since dawn on april 4, 2020 on this planet, in the very first time zone to experience that new day, the tone is being transmitted
throughout all of creation.
and it will continue until the very last time zone on this planet experiences the end of this day of april 4th. it will continue.
this is a way of honoring the humans who are here,
who represent their angelic families, honoring their journey
from sunrise in the first time zones on the planet to sunset.'
passion 2020 shoud 8 >
as the call went out to come back home, for the message.
the message started playing yesterday, like a tone that went out, a single tone that went out, a single resonance that went out all over the cosmos, “it’s time to ungroup. it’s time to disband. the order of the arc is closed. our work as angelic families is done.”
and since dawn on april 4, 2020 on this planet, in the very first time zone to experience that new day, the tone is being transmitted
throughout all of creation.
and it will continue until the very last time zone on this planet experiences the end of this day of april 4th. it will continue.
this is a way of honoring the humans who are here,
who represent their angelic families, honoring their journey
from sunrise in the first time zones on the planet to sunset.'
passion 2020 shoud 8 >