“is it not sacred, my heart?"
oh! no wonder that in my young adulthood I was in such a resonance with certain poetic expressions from friedrich hölderlin.
(> swan)
(> swan)
“ist nicht heilig mein herz?"
they called him crazy as he couldn’t handle 'normal' life, didn’t fit in.
„ich verstand die stille des äthers der menschen worte verstand ich nie.“ | „I understood the silence of the ethers the words of the humans I never did.“ |
but "normal is not natural" and „crazy are not the ones who soar to unknown heights. crazy are the ones who keep going deeper and deeper into a very limited reality looking for answers.“ (adamus)
he was afraid of the future
„weh mir, wo nehm ich, wenn es winter ist, die blumen, und wo den sonnenschein, und schatten der erde ? die mauern stehn sprachlos und kalt, im winde klirren die fahnen.“ | „woe me, where do I take, when it is winter, the flowers, and where the sunshine and the shadow of earth? the walls stand, voiceless and cold, in the wind clash the banners." |
suffered from the human forgetfulness about our origins, suffered from our fears and doubts...
“ihr wandelt droben im licht auf weichem boden, selige genien ! glänzende götterlüfte rühren euch leicht, wie die finger der künstlerin heilige saiten. schicksallos, wie der schlafende säugling, atmen die himmlischen; keusch bewahrt in bescheidener knospe, blühet ewig ihnen der geist, und die seligen augen blicken in stiller ewiger klarheit. doch uns ist gegeben, auf keiner stätte zu ruhn, es schwinden, es fallen die leidenden menschen blindlings von einer stunde zur andern, wie wasser von klippe zu klippe geworfen, jahr lang ins ungewisse hinab." | "you walk aloft in the light on soft ground, blessed geniuses! sparkling divine airs graze you like the fingers of the artist sacred chors fateless, like the sleeping infant, breathe the celestial beings pure and retained in a modest burgeon blossoms eternally their spirit, and their blissful eyes look in quiet eternal clarity. but to us it is given to rest at no place, they wane, they fall the suffering humans blindly from one hour to the other, like water thrown from cliff to cliff, year long into the uncertain." |
but there is also the trust and the knowingness that
„wo aber gefahr ist, wächst das rettende auch.“ | „where there is danger, grows also what is saving us from it.“ |
and how fitting! when looking for that quote I was reminded that with the 250th anniversary of his birthday hölderlin is very en vogue this year – and even a solace in the coronavirus crisis.... > |
the knowingness about the new ahmyo life, with its beauty, colors, fulfillment, maturity, warmth, sensuality, ease, grace and sacredness.
„mit gelben birnen hänget und voll mit wilden rosen das land in den see, ihr holden schwäne, und trunken von küssen tunkt ihr das haupt ins heilignüchterne wasser." | „with yellow pears hangs and filled with wild roses the land into the lake, you gracious swans, and drunk from kisses you dip your head into the sacred-sober water.“ |
the knowingness of my holiest of holies dvir, the sacredness of my core, my sweet divine human heart, of life, the
a tender smile, friedrich, and remember, „IT ALL WORKS OUT BEAUTIFULLY.“ let’s meet one day in the place of love beyond love, where the love is "so pure that it melts diamonds.“ > we will get there, as our energy serves us harmoniously, responding perfectly to our beauty and sacredness. ............................................................................................................................ the last two lines are from KIX/21 the session that inspired this whole post btw. I did all the translations myself, as verbatim as possible... |