and it's many names
after the prognost 2021 online event > I was wondering, if I should perhaps start another new blog, as humanity has now entered a new era ... :). but then I decided that in the specific shaumbra > perspective the list of the various names certainly also contains the NEW MERLIN ERA (cf. the main navigation and ‚the passion of the merlin‘ event >). find more names for the new era in the following cc description of prognost 2021.
‚humanity has entered the long-awaited AGE OF AQUARIUS, also called the CHRISTOS* or CRYSTAL ERA, what adamus calls THE TIME OF MACHINES. consciousness, energy, communications and technology are changing so fast that within 30 years every facet of human life will be different. as conscious humans move into ÆTERNA or “no time” and this potential is added to mass consciousness, it becomes possible to choose a past without trauma and a future of grand expansion. the deep sadness felt by humans across the globe comes from an inner knowing that we no longer need to create the inhumanity of the past.‘
*note: kuthumi lal singh explaining in 2007: ‚CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. comes from the root energy “CRYSTAL” or “CHRISTOS,” “CLEAR” or “NEW.” it is not that it has to do with jesus CHRIST'. |
as I am still highly delighted by the gold metaphor from adamus nearly ten years ago, stating that 'we are heading off to golden times‘, or by the 'golden nectar, the sweet golden drops of honey, the ‚goldenness of wisdom‘, all of that inspiring my whole website, I'm going to add to my own list the NEW GOLDEN AGE, an age beyond anything that humanity and its poets could ever have imagined before > |
and so I just updated my golden advent,ure post > with a ‚golden‘ excerpt from an old timely or rather timeless cc product recently spotted out.