the holiday season
as we all know, advent and the holyday season has many different layers and flavours, very different ways of celebrating it in different cultures. as holy days with the traditional religious CHRIST-mas in the center, or simply as a time out from everyday life, partying with family and friends, joyful, magical, lightful nostalgic, romantic, emotional, stressful, the list goes. on and on, and for shaumbra people it can be all of that.
and shaumbra >
but there is a very unique and really awesome meaning behind the shaumbra advent.ure, because
'shaumbra is a group that’s known each other since the times of atlantis, since the temples of tien, when they knew things were kind of shifting in a not so good direction. a group who understood that there was more to life than what appears obvious through the physical body and mind.
a group who knew there is something called spirit or consciousness, and that group came together very closely and deeply back in those times and dreamt together. they dreamt of the time when they would bring true divinity to this planet.
'shaumbra is a group that’s known each other since the times of atlantis, since the temples of tien, when they knew things were kind of shifting in a not so good direction. a group who understood that there was more to life than what appears obvious through the physical body and mind.
a group who knew there is something called spirit or consciousness, and that group came together very closely and deeply back in those times and dreamt together. they dreamt of the time when they would bring true divinity to this planet.
a lot of that group came back together at the time of YESHUA, the one known also as JESUS. that group came back together to plant the beginnings of what is called the CHRIST consciousness seed – some call it divinity, I call it consciousness – knowing that it would take a while for that seed to germinate and sprout. but that very group also made a commitment to themselves and each other to come back at that time, when the time was right, to partake of that seed that had now grown into a beautiful plant. in other words, to eat and to drink and to be in thy divinity in an embodied way.' (th10) |
and right now that time is right. it’s the ‚passion 2020‘ > the new merlin era >
two years ago I had fun creating a shaumbra advent calendar, then replacing the days of december by the corresponding ‚stargate‘ for a non-linear use, calling it a ‚crystalline advent.ure‘, > because CHRIST „comes from the root energy ‚CRYSTAL‘ or ‚CHRISTOS,‘ ‚CLEAR‘ or ‚NEW.‘ “ >
two years ago I had fun creating a shaumbra advent calendar, then replacing the days of december by the corresponding ‚stargate‘ for a non-linear use, calling it a ‚crystalline advent.ure‘, > because CHRIST „comes from the root energy ‚CRYSTAL‘ or ‚CHRISTOS,‘ ‚CLEAR‘ or ‚NEW.‘ “ >