... pot of gold ...
"through allowing
you may not end up with that pot of gold
at the end of the rainbow. you may end up with all of creation."
you may not end up with that pot of gold
at the end of the rainbow. you may end up with all of creation."
„do you realize that outside of this human 3d experience it is really difficult to have addictions? if you are an alien on another planet somewhere you don’t really have the kind of real addictions like a human can have. in a sense it’s a grand experience, a blessing. ... I’d like you to have fun with your addictions because ... once you are aware, they just dissolve away.“ (addiction unplugged)
the greatest love story
„it’s not what you believe,
it’s what you allow“
(ah-kir-ah in bled 2018)
it’s what you allow“
(ah-kir-ah in bled 2018)
„ it is rather about what you allow, what you’re willing to open yourself to. and allowing, of course, is the openness between you and the I AM, you and the master, allowing this integration to occur, allowing them into your life. it’s not what you believe.
and what you’re really allowing is the greatest love story to be told. not the greatest love story that was ever told, but the greatest love story to be told between you and YOU, you and the I AM." (emergence 3)
and what you’re really allowing is the greatest love story to be told. not the greatest love story that was ever told, but the greatest love story to be told between you and YOU, you and the I AM." (emergence 3)
to be here in this planet, participating, experiencing, living within it, and then being a creator within your creation is what I’d say the ultimate, is NIRVANA, is the pinnacle. that’s true realization and enlightenment. so many talk about enlightenment as just being the wisdom. but now, when you are in the wisdom and you‘re a creator as well, to me that’s the true realization of OUR ATLANTEAN DREAM“ (KVII/17)
to be here in this planet, participating, experiencing, living within it, and then being a creator within your creation is what I’d say the ultimate, is NIRVANA, is the pinnacle. that’s true realization and enlightenment. so many talk about enlightenment as just being the wisdom. but now, when you are in the wisdom and you‘re a creator as well, to me that’s the true realization of OUR ATLANTEAN DREAM“ (KVII/17)
fear not
„dear human, it all works out, make a little room.“ KVI/8
„we are here sitting at the shaumbra café ... imagining a whole new world ... we create new potentials ... whatever we want....as timespace moves through you, it brings everything. it's all synchronized, it's all in flow, it's all in grace. ...
there is nothing to fear, it's all about allowing right now.“
„at a time of great shift like that, there needs to be a light. now that's what you are bringing in. ... it doesn't take many humans who are in consciousness to change the very course of humanity. ... it's probably not going to involve fame, glory and fortune, not at least at the human level, but it's going to give you the greatest level of - there's no word to describe it - satisfaction, love, fulfillment, joy. there's just no word, it's a feeling.“ prognost 2016 and 2018
„enlightenment, it won’t be anything like you have imagined it to be. it will be infinitely better. it will have so much more potential. it will have so much more meaning, and you will not just talk about loving yourself, you will be in love with yourself every moment.“ walk on:6, february 2016
„we are here sitting at the shaumbra café ... imagining a whole new world ... we create new potentials ... whatever we want....as timespace moves through you, it brings everything. it's all synchronized, it's all in flow, it's all in grace. ...
there is nothing to fear, it's all about allowing right now.“
„at a time of great shift like that, there needs to be a light. now that's what you are bringing in. ... it doesn't take many humans who are in consciousness to change the very course of humanity. ... it's probably not going to involve fame, glory and fortune, not at least at the human level, but it's going to give you the greatest level of - there's no word to describe it - satisfaction, love, fulfillment, joy. there's just no word, it's a feeling.“ prognost 2016 and 2018
„enlightenment, it won’t be anything like you have imagined it to be. it will be infinitely better. it will have so much more potential. it will have so much more meaning, and you will not just talk about loving yourself, you will be in love with yourself every moment.“ walk on:6, february 2016
ahmyo dance
In AHMYO energy is flowing in a dance with different patterns, different rhythmes, different speeds, different intensities, different levels of light. and it's all flowing through you. ... it's all in a perfect dance and it's all dancing for you.energy serves the master and the human now. energy dances to your music, to the music of your soul.
the magic of ahmyo
„the energies that are meant to serve you are doing this already, without the human even having to say, ‚I want this one or that one,‘ but simply the energies are serving you and the master that you are before you even consciously humanly realize what it is you need. this is what one may call the MAGIC OF AHMYO. it's already known.“
„WISDOM IS THE SWEET GOLDEN NECTAR that the soul distills from every experience you ever had and that is now available to the human through the presence of the MASTER.
WISDOM IS THE SWEET, SWEET NECTAR OF THE I AM. it's always there. it's always welcoming every part of itself - the human expression, the angelic expression, every part of itself - back home. ... allowing in WISDOM is kind of like a light, a soft subtle light that starts glowing, not coming from any place in particular, but there is a light, a soft, subtle and very nurturing light that seems to come in. that's the WISDOM. ... WISDOM gives you the perspective to no longer be locked into the trauma of the experience or being a victim. ... the WISDOM brings everything out of its stuck state, out of its limitation and brings it into this grand, beautiful orchestrated play of life. ... WISDOM brings it into its art, its color, into its music. it brings it into the beauty of the experience. ... the WISDOM brings it into a type of unity and harmony, with depth and meaning and true sensuality.“ (TML7)
WISDOM IS THE SWEET, SWEET NECTAR OF THE I AM. it's always there. it's always welcoming every part of itself - the human expression, the angelic expression, every part of itself - back home. ... allowing in WISDOM is kind of like a light, a soft subtle light that starts glowing, not coming from any place in particular, but there is a light, a soft, subtle and very nurturing light that seems to come in. that's the WISDOM. ... WISDOM gives you the perspective to no longer be locked into the trauma of the experience or being a victim. ... the WISDOM brings everything out of its stuck state, out of its limitation and brings it into this grand, beautiful orchestrated play of life. ... WISDOM brings it into its art, its color, into its music. it brings it into the beauty of the experience. ... the WISDOM brings it into a type of unity and harmony, with depth and meaning and true sensuality.“ (TML7)
the human's last hurrah
„you and I, the master and I, are sitting there kind of watching the movie – “the last hurrah of the human.” get it over with. get it out. do your last whining. … let it happen right now. ... it’s the last hurrah of the human. and the feelings, the remembering, kind of you’re marking the human condition, the human experience, kind of like it’s your last painting, your last creation as a human saying, “remember the pain. remember the limitation. remember the frustration.”... so, you’re letting yourself experience that to kind of say, “okay, this is why.” at the same time, all that pain and discomfort and everything else is keeping you plunging into your emergence. but you have this kind of marking point to say, “that’s why I allowed my true enlightenment.”... so I can sit here and smile at all your pain, because I know the emergence is coming through and all these things are going to be a thing of the past. and so it doesn’t bother me right now. it’s uncomfortable for you, but it’s not a condition that’s going to last much longer.“. (e2&angels’s webcast)
the body is crying
„the body is crying because it doesn’t know what’s happening to it. ... and as much as the physical looks forward to the new life, it’s kind of in a precarious position right now. it’s fragile. ... the physical body is crying right now. not just from aches and pain, but it doesn’t understand what’s going on. ... I can distract the mind easily ... but the body, not necessarily. ... the body is just totally confused ... first of all, allow that experience ... without trying to force anything into the body right now. ... the body is crying, and let it, let it.“ (tml8/2)
give thanks to yourself
'it’s amazing. it’s so profoundly gratifying that you’re here, that you’re with us. it’s difficult – the energies, the consciousness of this planet; your work that you’re doing with your aspects; how you’re somehow, somehow managing to juggle everyday life, relationships, the challenges of a changing planet, your bodies; how you’re able to do all of this and to be so committed to your embodied enlightenment, to your realization. sometimes it brings tears to me, tobias, kuthumi and all of the others. ... enlightenment by itself is brutal. ... (kharisma 8)
let’s acknowledge the human for going into the experience of time and space, the physical body and judgment. let’s give a lot of credit to the human for walking alone, being alone on this journey ... without a conscious connection to the master or to the I AM. (emergence 2)
it’s about compassion for yourself, for having come to this time of convergence, for being here as the human in your past current life, but also being here now as the I AM human and master in the new life. ... now take a deep breath and honor yourself for that. (tml8)
give credit to you to have made this happen.“
let’s acknowledge the human for going into the experience of time and space, the physical body and judgment. let’s give a lot of credit to the human for walking alone, being alone on this journey ... without a conscious connection to the master or to the I AM. (emergence 2)
it’s about compassion for yourself, for having come to this time of convergence, for being here as the human in your past current life, but also being here now as the I AM human and master in the new life. ... now take a deep breath and honor yourself for that. (tml8)
give credit to you to have made this happen.“
healing is a joke
“stop trying to heal an old vehicle.
take a deep breath and allow the light body.
take a deep breath and allow the light body.
the ancestral dna is on its way out. you’ve made that intention, it’s on the way out. it wasn’t even about making the intention; it was just being aware of what happens. it’s on its way out. stop trying to heal. you’re going to find out, shaumbra’s going to find out, particularly in realization, that healing’s a joke. for any human, yes, for any human, healing is a joke.
so, while the rest of the world might be into healing, the new embodied masters are going to realize that healing is a joke, and there’s no need to heal. it’s taking a deep breath, letting everything come back into balance, and continuing to enjoy the beauty of being here.” (angels webcast)
so, while the rest of the world might be into healing, the new embodied masters are going to realize that healing is a joke, and there’s no need to heal. it’s taking a deep breath, letting everything come back into balance, and continuing to enjoy the beauty of being here.” (angels webcast)
enlightenment highway
first of all, stop doing it. I keep telling you that. stop trying to do realization. it’s already happened. stop looking at it from a human perspective of how big, how fast, measuring it in terms like the human would think. what you don’t realize right now is there is a tremendous amount of rumblings underneath, like I said before. there’s more change that occurs with a low resonance earthquake than there is with a volcano – much more – so don’t look for the volcanoes in your life. understand that what’s happening right now is all happening, all taking place naturally, while we’re taking this drive down enlightenment highway. I know it’s very frustrating and you want measurements. you want tangible evidence, particularly in the form of your body. you want sudden shifts in energy. what i say to that is that – you’re wondering why this isn’t happening and even cauldre’s giving me a hard time right now – it’s still coming from your old human perspective. and what is actually happening as we’re just traveling along enlightenment highway, what’s actually happen is so un-human. (angels 12/18)
new radio station
you’re tuned into certain ways of doing things, certain channels that you play on the radio. the station’s not there anymore, because it’s not appropriate anymore in the journey. it disappeared. the station that played oldies and goldies is no longer there, because you’ve changed. a new station comes in, maybe at a different setting, that instead of oldies and goldies it’s about the new song of the soul radio station, and it’s about communing with that new radio station that's
(angels 12/18)
(angels 12/18)
'to allow the dragon, to honor the dragon, is to allow yourself to let go all of the guilts and all the shames of things that are inaccurately remembered, to let go of all the loathing and let yourself rise. to allow the dragon is to see clearly who you really are, to see clearly all the stories hat you've ever been involved in.to allow the dragon is to go beyond the realms of the mind to the realms of magic and grace. take a deep breath and welcome the dragon into your life. it will bring clarity. it will bring magic and it will give you back your name. it only asks that you receive forgiveness. you receive it from the I AM. that's all. and when that happens, when that really happens, you're suddenly going to realize that for the wise one, for the enlightened one, that the dragon is actually the butterfly. '(pg 19)
master's pause
„we’re here to acknowledge and to allow into the whole process that’s occurring with going beyond the mind, going beyond just regular thoughts, going beyond linear thoughts and now opening up. opening up to, I guess you’d call it, intuition, knowingness; I call it really your free state. your totally free state where you’re not limited in a mind, you’re not limited to a certain kind of a vibrational level of the thoughts, where you’re very open and expanded and not getting overwhelmed by it.
so, in this new series, it’s all about taking a moment every now and then ... and just stopping. you know that human that loves experience, that loves drama at times. it just will continue doing experience over and over and over, even if it’s painful, even if it’s boring and repetitious, even if it’s frightening as hell. but it’s time, every once in a while, to say to that human, “let’s just stop for a moment. let’s rebalance. let’s bring a new level of integration. let’s bring in more of the wisdom of the master. let’s bring in more of the consciousness and the awareness of the I AM.” (master’s pause 1)
so, in this new series, it’s all about taking a moment every now and then ... and just stopping. you know that human that loves experience, that loves drama at times. it just will continue doing experience over and over and over, even if it’s painful, even if it’s boring and repetitious, even if it’s frightening as hell. but it’s time, every once in a while, to say to that human, “let’s just stop for a moment. let’s rebalance. let’s bring a new level of integration. let’s bring in more of the wisdom of the master. let’s bring in more of the consciousness and the awareness of the I AM.” (master’s pause 1)
exploring the AND
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