... about the sequel of C.J.'S story
CARL GUSTAV JUNG'S ‚memories, dreams, reflections‘ > is one of the few tangible books that I took with me, when in september 2021 I moved with nothing but my car and its carefully selected content to the italian speaking part of switzerland. that book had had such a deep influence on my awakening in the seventies and I simply didn't want to miss its familiar presence in my new home. |
an srf article
today I was attracted by an article in my srf news app (schweizer radio und fernsehen/ swiss radio and television) about JUNG'S grandson still living in the villa-museum of his grandfather >, and about the influence that the publication in german and english of the ‚red book‘ in 2009 > had on the public interest in the villa and in jung‘s work.
C.G. JUNG as TOBIAS' guest
I immediately also remembered that C.G.JUNG had been a guest in a shoud with TOBIAS and could find it easily thanks to the search engine of the cc website, i.e. in the returning series, shoud 4, november 2008 > and of course, what highly stirred up my curiosity when reading that part of the shoud now in 2023 were the following paragraphs:
'so our guest comes in today in a place of honor. take a deep breath and welcome in CARL GUSTAV JUNG into our gathering. he’s been longing to return, come back and join us up front like this. he is not reincarnated back to earth but will be soon. perhaps my new persona SAM will perhaps get to know this reincarnation of jung back here on earth. | dear shaumbra ... dear, dear shaumbra, CARL joins us – C.J. we like to call him – joins us for this special gathering to watch yet the next level of consciousness – evolution of consciousness – take place. of course, he misses dearly what’s being done; wishes he could be a part of it, so has chosen to come back in a new physical body quite soon. and some of you he may meet. some of you, he, as a young adult, may study under.' |
no wonder that I'm curious to know more about the manifestation of those potentials, now that SAM has left and that the opening of HEAVEN'S CROSS is approaching.