from DeLuxe to DeLux to DeLight
you might have noticed my new blog author‘s name, and if you are curious to know why those changes from time to time, you can easily find the answer by opening the link in my last post.
to my own big surprise a new name suddenly came to me last week-end. it was actually the etymologically most 'creative' multiculti patchwork metamorphosis from DeLuxe (KXIII insider story :-) to DeLUX (= from the Light) , but with DeLux sounding somehow too harsh to me after all the open o‘s and a’s in some of my previous names, I finally translated it to DeLight with its all-ways delightful double sense vibrations.
and truly delighted ;-) when musing about it, I felt again into the wonderful and deeply touching entrance of the master’s pause I AM LIGHT > with adamus reciting a poem:
and truly delighted ;-) when musing about it, I felt again into the wonderful and deeply touching entrance of the master’s pause I AM LIGHT > with adamus reciting a poem:
your soul is a landscape of light with clever disguises, and so many closed doors where life plays out, and death heralds its new act hiding and finding, losing and discovering while pretending to battle so righteous at darkness, and ghosts long gone the light of the soul savors these games knowing it will outshine even itself yes, the light shines brilliant upon the moon high above in the veil of the night a reminder of its glorious feats even when it forgets its own light |
and explaining:
„we started off with the beautiful composition, perhaps one of the most beautiful ever, beautiful composition called CLAIR DE LUNE – MOONLIGHT, in french – CLAIR DE LUNE by CLAUDE DEBUSSY. such a beautiful song and done to the poem of PAUL VERLAINE.“
„we started off with the beautiful composition, perhaps one of the most beautiful ever, beautiful composition called CLAIR DE LUNE – MOONLIGHT, in french – CLAIR DE LUNE by CLAUDE DEBUSSY. such a beautiful song and done to the poem of PAUL VERLAINE.“
votre âme est un paysage choisi que vont charmant masques et bergamasques jouant du luth et dansant et quasi tristes sous leurs déguisements fantasques. tout en chantant sur le mode mineur l’amour vainqueur et la vie opportune, ils n’ont pas l’air de croire à leur bonheur et leur chanson se mêle au clair de lune, au calme clair de lune triste et beau, qui fait rêver les oiseaux dans les arbres et sangloter d’extase les jets d’eau, les grands jets d’eau sveltes parmi les marbres. paul verlaine, fêtes galantes |
btw. today I happened to stumble upon an elaborate and very delicate analysis on youtube > about what makes CLAIR DE LUNE so special.
but not only this composition is so special and genius, the whole times we live in are - as adamus already stated years ago:
but not only this composition is so special and genius, the whole times we live in are - as adamus already stated years ago:
„ the most amazing, the most beautiful, ah, the most poetic, the most dynamic and the most profound. " reorder your reality > |
and right now, after the opening of the veil, it‘s indeed all about
my delight of
and my soul 'outshining itself'
my delight of
and my soul 'outshining itself'
'you breathe, you allow your LIGHT. you receive it into your reality, into your life. and then everything starts flowing. it just starts flowing, and you realize you don’t have to have this massive plan what to do with these things or how to change your life. it’s changing before your very eyes in a way that is DIVINE. it’s just changing in spite of you in a way that’s DIVINE‘ (ALT 10 >)
the LIGHT bringing > | |
"this planet will eventually and I say, will eventually be a place of true light, occupied by light beings. it is the fulfillment of your dream >, for yourself as an embodied master, and a fulfillment for the planet as well."