during my early morning break after watching
the session 1 of
called ‚seven heavens of earth’, and also during the whole day, my excited heart and mind started chatting along, picking out terms that adamus had mentioned, like ‚watch for that NUMBER SEVEN, a reminder’, PATMOS, les champs ÉLYSÉES…. and the very first melody popping up was, no wonder
and later on, not so classic, but oh! :-D
and oh! PATMOS, memories of an excursion to the saint john monastery, the apocalypse cave> and reaching far back into my young adulthood my dear friedrich hölderlin‘s (cf. my blogpost >) passionate poetic dreamwalk.
nah ist und schwer zu fassen der gott. wo aber gefahr ist, wächst das rettende auch. im finstern wohnen die adler und furchtlos gehn die söhne der alpen über den abgrund weg auf leichtgebaueten brücken. drum, da gehäuft sind rings die gipfel der zeit, und die liebsten nah wohnen, ermattend auf getrenntesten bergen, so gib unschuldig wasser, o fittiche gib uns, treuesten sinns hinüberzugehn und wiederzukehren. so sprach ich, da entführte mich schneller, denn ich vermutet und weit, wohin ich nimmer zu kommen gedacht, ein genius mich vom eigenen haus'. ....... | the god is near, and hard to grasp. but where there is danger, a rescuing agency grows as well. eagles live in the darkness, and the sons of the alps cross over the abyss without fear on lightly-built bridges. therefore, since the summits of time are heaped about, and dear friends live near, growing weak on the farthest mountains-- then give us clear waters; give us wings, and loyal minds to cross over and return. thus I spoke, when faster than I could imagine a spirit led me forth from my own home to a place I thought I’d never go. ....... translation > |
as for the NUMBER SEVEN there are german sayings like
the sayings "to be on cloud seven" and "to be in seventh heaven" stand for an extraordinary elation, for example the feeling of pure joy or infatuation. in english, there is the term seventh heaven in the field of religious studies. the extraordinary elation, on the other hand, is referred to as cloud nine, i.e. "cloud nine". (translation from wikipedia) |
die redensarten „auf wolke sieben sein“ und „im siebten himmel sein“ stehen für eine außergewöhnliche hochstimmung, zum beispiel das gefühl von purer freude oder verliebtheit. im englischen gibt es im religionswissenschaftlichen bereich den ausdruck seventh heaven. die außergewöhnliche hochstimmung wird dagegen mit cloud nine bezeichnet, also „wolke neun“. (wikipedia) |
nice and very week echos of john‘s revelations, the elysian fields, yet quite present in movies, channels, fairy tales, etc. for instance on youtube.
and now, the nearly unfathomable CULMINATION of everything that we and our planet have gone through, coming with
adamus: so the seven heavens (body, mind, nature, community, service, the elysian fields, and the apocalypse) that were talked about in the book of revelations by john were simply relating to these seven stages of consciousness, seven levels that are accessible to a human. the first three are relatively easy. the first five you can get there. those last two though, the elysian and the apocalypse, very difficult, up until now, up until HEAVEN‘S CROSS. that‘s where we‘re at. that‘s why we‘re here. that‘s what we‘re doing.'
yes, it's nearly unfathomable for my human part, as adamus said in the last shoud ALT 4 :
'sometimes I just go back to the ascended masters club and just chuckle thinking, “they really don’t quite see it yet. they don’t know what they’re doing. maybe that’s a good thing. maybe one day it’ll be like opening a christmas present and a big surprise when you finally get it all. they just don’t know really quite what they’re doing. they don’t understand the impact of their light on the planet at this time. they don’t understand that others haven’t done this” – literally changing what you would call the past and the future on the fly while you’re in this human life. wow!
seven times wow, indeed!
and I‘m feeling into that surprising christmas present ready for delivery..........
and I‘m feeling into that surprising christmas present ready for delivery..........